Failed to create database
I think I found the right log File (tokk a little time...) for my Problem with "Failed to create database ":
Full see attachment.
solved the problem by creating the Table `Program` manualy: I reduced the field `description` to 10000. With this no error in mysql and MP seems to work fine.
Hopefully the smaler description makes no further problems...
I think I found the right log File (tokk a little time...) for my Problem with "Failed to create database ":
2009-01-25 00:11:40.046875 [SetupTv]: Exec SQL: CREATE TABLE `Program` (`idProgram` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`idChannel` int(11) NOT NULL,`startTime` datetime NOT NULL,`endTime` datetime NOT NULL,`title` varchar(2000) NOT NULL,`description` varchar(20000) NOT NULL,`seriesNum` varchar(200) NOT NULL,`episodeNum` varchar(200) NOT NULL,`genre` varchar(200) NOT NULL,`originalAirDate` datetime NOT NULL,`classification` varchar(200) NOT NULL,`starRating` int(11) NOT NULL,`notify` bit(1) NOT NULL,`parentalRating` int(11) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`idProgram`),UNIQUE KEY `idProgramBeginEnd` (`idChannel`,`startTime`,`endTime`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
2009-01-25 00:11:40.046875 [SetupTv]: ********* SQL statement failed! *********
2009-01-25 00:11:40.046875 [SetupTv]: ********* Error reason: Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
2009-01-25 00:11:40.046875 [SetupTv]: ********* Error code: 1118 *********
2009-01-25 00:11:40.046875 [SetupTv]: Exec SQL: CREATE TABLE `RadioChannelGroup` (`idGroup` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`groupName` varchar(200) NOT NULL,`sortOrder` int(11) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`idGroup`),KEY `IDX_RadioChannelGroup` (`sortOrder`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
Full see attachment.
solved the problem by creating the Table `Program` manualy: I reduced the field `description` to 10000. With this no error in mysql and MP seems to work fine.
Hopefully the smaler description makes no further problems...