pilehave , You need to run TV-Server_weekly-snapshot.exe on client to update TV-plugin, itwill not install tv-server only update plugin.
@JacobJust Maybe you have to use that tswriter fix ( i don´t had to don´t know why ) on the beginning of this thread. Second option is check your firewall settings i had some old mediaportal settings in the firewall that blocked my client. I also did a clean install of mp on the client. Because i had some trouble with the update from the svn before. I had to install the 1.0 version and then do the update to the latest svn version. now everything is just fine on the client, too. And the best the fast channelswitching is even on the client working. Aboslutely no difference between single seat and client.
58:34.230523 [Debug][MPMain]: WindowsController: Setting ExitWindows to MediaPortal.Plugins.Process.PowerScheduler.Void SafeExitWindows(MediaPortal.Util.RestartOptions, Boolean, AfterExitWindowsHandler)
2009-01-25 13:58:34.235523 [Debug][MPMain]: PSClientPlugin: marshalled handlers as http://localhost:31458/dd1bff4b_3d95_4ba9_a69b_8969c9017f13/ba1477n4crdzxv4mr3zuqtfl_1.rem
2009-01-25 13:59:45.694523 [Debug][MPMain]: PSClientPlugin: PSClientPlugin: registered handlers with tvservice with tag 3
0001904: MKV embedded subtitles not using configuration language
Not fixed in this build too.
First subtitles track is selected instead of prefered one (selected in MP config)
subtitles (.srt) still don't work :-(
subtitles (.srt) still don't work :-(
Same here: whith a .srt file with the same name as the video file, it used to work. Not anymore. The subtitles menu item does not show up in the menu that appears when the video is playing.
Hey, for me avi + srt woking pefectly using my SAF package.