[MP1-4578] Crashes after standby. (10 Viewers)


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  • February 23, 2008
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    @HomeY: Does it make sense to test our feature called "Threaded plugin loading"?
    Threaded loading has been removed a long time ago, since it was giving more issues then we won with it. And it was never made public ;)
    Or are you talking about something else?

    The LoadSkin error(s) is extra logging (only visible with debug logging enabled) that was added to give pointers to the team when something is running on the wrong thread. It's been in there since 1.7 (JIRA).
    If i'm right, those LoadSkin errors shouldn't even be noticable during use of MediaPortal, but i'm no dev.
    @Sebastiii you have any additional info about this?


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  • November 30, 2010
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    Got another crash to the desktop with mediaportal crashed in the background. Zip is attached.

    However I also got the no internet popup but mediaportal was still running fine.After this I had a second crash to the desktop with a crashed mediaportal in the background so it seems the problem has only changed a little.

    To be clear, I used the new test version of the plugin. provided by micropolis[DOUBLEPOST=1412515344][/DOUBLEPOST]This sounds quite stupid, but I just found out I don't have worldweather themes files installed at the moment just used the temperature in the titan theme. I will have a search for worldweather titan files and install them and report back after that.

    I'm trying with https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/...iles-for-titan-24-06-2013.115813/#post-957331 now

    Please try to remove common.time.xml from the installation folder of Titan (C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\Titan

    Now try to reproduce the bug. This is the file that shows the weather and time information in basichome.


    Portal Pro
    July 22, 2009
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    Hi HomeY,
    ... If i'm right, those LoadSkin errors shouldn't even be noticable during use of MediaPortal ...

    If I take a look into GUIWindow.cs, this logging is handled by the Log.Error routine. In case a user has configured this or a higher level, this error is visible in our log files.



    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 23, 2008
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    What i actually meant was that i've seen a whole bunch of these LoadSkin errors in my logs (since i always run with debug logging on productive system) and i never noticed the errors until i checked my logs. In other words: i didn't notice freezes/crashes or other 'bad' behavior in using MP when these errors were written to the logs. ;)
    Off course threading issues could lead to UI freezes, but i've never ran into a problem that crashed or froze up MP, which was related to this error ;)
    And you might very well be right about Error loglevel (and up) that. Info loglevel doesn't expose these 'errors' (and there are still a couple false positives, like with EventGhostPlus which start it's own thread for the onscreen messages, but also throws this errors when that happens).


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  • May 16, 2008
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    Is it also reproducible in case WorldWeather is not installed/deactivated?
    Deactivation of WorldWeather didn't change anything (that was one of the first things that I checked). I have now uninstalled it, but have not been in "deep" standby yet. With reference to this: putting system into standby and waking it up shortly after works. It is only after some longer time that the resume doesn't work anymore. Windows energy settings incompatibilities with MePo?


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  • January 30, 2008
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    Sorry, but I cannot support your opinion. Why? Both issues (yours and the issue in the current discussion) ends up in the same error and in the same internal MediaPortal function. As I said before: This must not be an error of MediaPortal itself, but maybe a timing issue or something like this.

    Not my opinion, only a quote by HomeY in the other thread. Sorry for missunderstanding!


    Test Group
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  • February 23, 2008
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Not my opinion, only a quote by HomeY in the other thread. Sorry for missunderstanding!
    Correct, but based on my knowledge about this ;)
    Easiest way to investigate would be to disable/remove FanartHandler and test resume. Although WatchDog option #1 (no plugins and default skin) should be the first test to execute.


    Development Group
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  • November 12, 2007
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    For sure threaded loading plugins is not available and even the old setting from mediaportal.xml is not working anymore :)
    Now the loadskin error happen when plugins or some internal function is started from another thread than the main thread and then this error is logged to help to know and solve the issue :)

    Now this kind of error can say us that something is send in wrong thread and maybe it can lead to some crash but from my experience, the error is logged but didn't lead to MP crash, it's some kind of information to help and know that some code need to be ajusted :)


    Portal Pro
    July 29, 2012
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Hello Helios61, killer8, HomeY

    Sorry, but I cannot support your opinion. Why? Both issues (yours and the issue in the current discussion) ends up in the same error and in the same internal MediaPortal function. As I said before: This must not be an error of MediaPortal itself, but maybe a timing issue or something like this.

    @killer8: Last test scenarios which I have in mind to identify the root cause:
    • Disable all plugins (including TV) and try to reproduce.
    • Disable all plugins and enable WorldWeather only, try to reproduce.
    • Enable all installed plugins as before, disable WorldWeather and download WorldWeather Lite. Copy the included skin files to the Titan folder (maybe you must backup the original files before) and try to reproduce.
    @killer8 or any other: Could anyone translate/understand this event from Windows? ("Foutbucket -702090490, type 5 Naam van gebeurtenis: WPNConnectionFailure Antwoord: Niet beschikbaar Id van CAB-bestand: 0 Handtekening van probleem: P1: Data Connect P2: 880403fa P3: WNP P4: Unknown P5: Unknown P6: Unknown P7: 1 P8: 176 P9: P10: Toegevoegde bestanden: C:\Users\Christian\AppData\Local\Temp\wpn_6790157842583554044.evtx Deze bestanden zijn mogelijk hier beschikbaar: Analysesymbool: Opnieuw zoeken naar oplossing: 0 Rapport-id: 0b037320-4c94-11e4-bf1c-001a7dda7115 Rapportstatus: 0 Opgedeelde bucket: e92969de10ad7d5b5fccdd307f264d0f)

    @HomeY: Does it make sense to test our feature called "Threaded plugin loading"?


    Hi, I will do these tests later since I don't have time at the moment. However I did some similair tests earlier this week. When I enable Worldweather mediaportal crashes frequently. So a workaround for now is to disable worldweather, I didn't have any crash since I've disabled the plugin. Another thing is when I use defaultwide with Worldweather enabled, this also give me no crashes. So must be a combination of worldweather and titan skin(maybe some other skins except defaultwide based on other user tests). Do you still need me to test with these conditions or is this enough information?

    About the error it says:

    ("Errorbucket-702090490, type 5 name of event: WPNConnectionFailure response: Not available Id of CAB-file: 0 Singature of problem: P1: Data Connect P2: 880403fa P3: WNP P4: Unknown P5: Unknown P6: Unknown P7: 1 P8: 176 P9: P10: Added file: C:\Users\Christian\AppData\Local\Temp\wpn_6790157842583554044.evtx This file is possibly not available: AnalisysSymbol: Searching for a solution again: 0 Repport-id: 0b037320-4c94-11e4-bf1c-001a7dda7115 Report status: 0 divided bucket: e92969de10ad7d5b5fccdd307f264d0f)

    Not sure if you can understand it now, because it's just a straight translation from dutch. Maybe you get better results by using google translate or something.

    Please try to remove common.time.xml from the installation folder of Titan (C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\Titan

    Now try to reproduce the bug. This is the file that shows the weather and time information in basichome.

    Will do that later, i'm quite sure this can be the problem file since this was the only .xml already available before I installed worldweather titan skin files from the link earlier.

    Deactivation of WorldWeather didn't change anything (that was one of the first things that I checked). I have now uninstalled it, but have not been in "deep" standby yet. With reference to this: putting system into standby and waking it up shortly after works. It is only after some longer time that the resume doesn't work anymore. Windows energy settings incompatibilities with MePo?

    This is different for me, when I disable the worldweather plugin in mediaportal configuration the crashes are gone. I didn't have any crash since I've disabled the plugin. Another thing is, I don't need my htpc to go into deep sleep before it crashes, I can just sleep and wake it over and over again to reproduce the crash. It doesn't matter if it sleeps for 10 sec or 10 hours, sometimes it just works and sometimes it just crashes, these crashes are quite often.


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  • March 24, 2005
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    I've been reading all of this with great interest. I'm also experiencing crashes after wake-up and random. This started happening just a few weeks ago.
    I notice that it happens more when I keep MP at the home screen fro a while, I've also noticed that when MP is sitting on the home screen it keeps using more and more memory (memory leak) until MP goes over 800MB whilst doing nothing and crashes.

    I'm currently running MP 1.9 with the streamedMP Skin and a hand full of plugins (tv-series, moving pictures, browse the web, netflix alpha, online videos, IRSS, worldweather)
    I'm not sure if I had the problem with MP 1.8 or that is started with 1.9 beta.

    Disabling the WorldWeather plugin stops the memory leak and the crashes. Enabling WorldWeather makes the crashes return.

    Reading in this thread about people having no problems when the basic default skin is used made me think. I went into the configuration of StreamedMP and changed the weather icon style from animated to static --- and problem gone, no more crashes.

    It looks like it is a memory leak related to animated icons, primarily used in the home screen of more sophisticated skins.

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