[solved] MP2 not skipping commercials (3 Viewers)


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  • June 12, 2011
    nähe Dortmund
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Hi. It is not an ideal solutions, but at the moment I press the i button on the remote and use the left/right buttons to select the chaper menu or the chapter next button and press then ok.


    Retired Team Member
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  • March 24, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    now I must find out how to skip/next chapter with remote buttons.
    Usually this works by "next/prev title (or chapter)" remote buttons, like when skipping audio tracks. Does this work for you?
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    MP Donator
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  • June 12, 2011
    nähe Dortmund
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    No I have all buttons on my MCE remote testet. The button next jumps to the beginning of the recording. The button prev do nothing.


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  • April 14, 2008
    Thanks. Downloaded it and can confirm that skipping by remote is not working. As you said, the chapters are recognized and each can be selected in the OSD menu. It can even be skipped/go back by one using the two chapter icons in the OSD. Means it is not only ComSkip related because the chapters are there.
    To confirm this I played an mkv video with embedded chapters, same behavior here, skipping by remote is not working.

    Don't have more time today, but will look into this tomorrow.


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 14, 2008
    Usually this works by "next/prev title (or chapter)" remote buttons, like when skipping audio tracks.
    in case you missed the other thread, I found the reason why skipping through chapters is not working. It's because the next/prev buttons are unmapped and they are working for skipping to next/previous media item inside a playlist. If there is only one video item in the playlist (which is if you play just one video), then the player tries to to skip to a none exiting next item. The video gets paused for a sec and then played further.

    Any idea what's the desired behavior for the prev/next buttons? If they are meant for skipping through media items (regardless video or audio) then this is how it works now. If they should also work for chapters, then we have to enable the mapping for those buttons and... ?

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