@regeszter Installed your Beta 4 and applied the patch (just move contained .dll to the MPEXtended Main dir, right?). Now, I have no connection to the TV service anymore, neither in your MPTvScheduler, nor via WebMP or AmpDroid..... series, music and video work flawlessly. Already made a repair installation of the Beta4 service, made sure that MPExtended, Configurator and TV Service were shutdown before installation, rebooted...no connection anymore... what logs can I provide to hunt that down?
Can you connect to service with configurator?
Does MPExtended Service run?
Please collect logs from c:\ProgramData\MPExtended\logs
MPExtended Service and TV Service are up and running.
thanks for it goes on here!!
Unfortunately I have no channel logos, why?
I do not see any logos yet.
Then mpextended and app installed one after the other.