- Moderator
- #181
Good work Pretoriano, I've got the same graph as you.
Now that everything works like a charm, let's enumerate some feature requests (if possible).
1) higher resolution covers. (Maybe it's possible to download them from impawards)
2) a logo icon (mentioned before I think..)
3) some people who want to develop the layout for popular skins (aeon wide, monochrome, xface, spinsafe, purevision)
4) A download/streaming bar (especially for streaming 1080p)
1) Agreed..
i can get higher resolution posters from Apple @ 261×385px I already use them in the movie trailers 0.7 but loading them is not working correctly yet. To test this you can check the Filmstrip view. At first you'll notice lower ressed covers.. now.. select a movie so you get it's trailer list.. now go back to the movie list and reselect the movie. The higher ressed cover will now show. If this quality as high res is not "acceptable" i can probably use the IMP ones but then you'll have to manually pick the correct covers as the matching will be somewhat fuzzy. I will fix the high res apple covers for the next release.
2) Logo for the plugin? or? Please explain..
3) For development i will focus on BlueTwo Wide first (maybe even Aeon Wide because i use this skin on my mediacentre) but i'll leave this up to the skinners.
4) This will be one of the last things i will add (don't worry i'm almost done )