neue MePo Erweiterung "TVAnytime" (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
November 15, 2009
Home Country
Germany Germany
Hallo, ich brauche bitte die tv.log nach dem debug logging.


Portal Pro
November 1, 2006
Home Country
Germany Germany
2013-01-29 22:06:17.600820 [(23)]: Controller: epg stop
2013-01-29 22:06:18.700883 [(23)]: Controller: epg stop
2013-01-29 22:06:18.723885 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: Create table tvanytimehistory for MySQL
2013-01-29 22:06:18.875893 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: table tvanytimehistory allready existing in MySQL?  CREATE TABLE `tvanytimehistory` ( `idHistory` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `idChannel` int(11) NOT NULL, `channelName` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL, `title` varchar(2000) NOT NULL, `description` text, `startTime` datetime NOT NULL, `endTime` datetime NOT NULL, `id_Schedule` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `status` int(11) DEFAULT '0', `imdbRating` decimal(10,2) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idHistory`))
2013-01-29 22:06:18.876893 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: Create table tvanytimehistory for MSSql
2013-01-29 22:06:18.884894 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: table tvanytimehistory allready existing in MSSql?  CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tvanytimehistory]([idHistory] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,[idChannel] [int] NOT NULL, [channelName] [varchar](200) NULL, [title] [varchar](2000) NOT NULL, [description] [text] NULL, [startTime] [datetime] NOT NULL, [endTime] [datetime] NOT NULL, [id_Schedule] [int] NULL, [status] [int] NOT NULL, [imdbRating] [decimal](10, 2) NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_tvanytimehistory] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [idHistory] ASC ) WITH (PAD_INDEX  = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE  = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS  = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS  = ON) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY] ALTER TABLE [dbo].[tvanytimehistory] ADD  CONSTRAINT [DF_tvanytimehistory_status]  DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [status]
2013-01-29 22:06:21.044017 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: all settings saved
2013-01-29 22:06:21.094020 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: process start
2013-01-29 22:06:21.218027 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: process end
2013-01-29 22:06:21.231028 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: next process time is: 2013-01-29_23:06
2013-01-29 22:06:42.154225 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: all settings saved
2013-01-29 22:06:42.167226 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: process start
2013-01-29 22:06:42.248230 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: process end
2013-01-29 22:06:42.258231 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: next process time is: 2013-01-29_23:06
2013-01-29 22:07:24.659656 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: all settings saved
2013-01-29 22:07:24.686657 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: process start
2013-01-29 22:07:24.750661 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: process end
2013-01-29 22:07:24.762662 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: next process time is: 2013-01-29_23:07


Portal Pro
November 15, 2009
Home Country
Germany Germany
da war noch eine Stelle die nicht MSSQL Kompatibel war.
Nun sollte das Problem hoffentlich nicht mehr auftreten.
Vielen Dank für deine Mithilfe.


Portal Pro
November 1, 2006
Home Country
Germany Germany
Geht leider immer noch nicht :(
hier der entsprechende teil der tv.log - die error.log ist angehängt
2013-01-30 19:28:56.609624 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: Create table tvanytimehistory for MSSql
2013-01-30 19:28:56.632625 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: table tvanytimehistory allready existing in MSSql? There is already an object named 'tvanytimehistory' in the database.
2013-01-30 19:29:22.836124 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: all settings saved
2013-01-30 19:29:22.878126 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: process start
2013-01-30 19:29:23.108140 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: process end
2013-01-30 19:29:23.122140 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: next process time is: 2013-01-30_20:29


Portal Pro
November 15, 2009
Home Country
Germany Germany
Ok, werde mir dann nun ma eine Mssql Version installieren und teste es dann mal durch.
Kann man das TvServer Setup ein zweites mal durchführen fir die MsSql Version und zwischen den Versionen wechseln?


Portal Pro
November 1, 2006
Home Country
Germany Germany
Bin ja froh, dass jemand so ein geiles plugin entwickelt :)


Portal Pro
November 1, 2006
Home Country
Germany Germany
hi. jetzt gibt's leider einen anderen fehler :( erscheint beim aufruf von "sofort ausführen"

sorry war mein fehler - hier die neuen logs:
2013-01-30 21:40:03.975425 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime - Process failed with exception message:
2013-01-30 21:40:03.975425 [SetupTv(1)]: select idProgram, idChannel, startTime, endTime, title, description, genre, [state], originalAirDate, seriesNum, episodeNum, episodePart, episodeName, starRating, classification, parentalRating from Program where endTime >= @endTime and idChannel = @idChannel and ((startTime < DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime), @pEndTime)AND endTime > DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime), @pStartTime)) OR (startTime < DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)+1, @pEndTime)AND endTime > DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)+1, @pStartTime)) OR (startTime < DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)-1, @pEndTime)AND endTime > DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)-1, @pStartTime)));
2013-01-30 21:40:03.975425 [SetupTv(1)]: SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM.
2013-01-30 21:40:04.006625 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime - Process failed with exception message:
2013-01-30 21:40:04.006625 [SetupTv(1)]: select idProgram, idChannel, startTime, endTime, title, description, genre, [state], originalAirDate, seriesNum, episodeNum, episodePart, episodeName, starRating, classification, parentalRating from Program where endTime >= @endTime and idChannel = @idChannel and ((startTime < DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime), @pEndTime)AND endTime > DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime), @pStartTime)) OR (startTime < DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)+1, @pEndTime)AND endTime > DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)+1, @pStartTime)) OR (startTime < DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)-1, @pEndTime)AND endTime > DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)-1, @pStartTime)));
2013-01-30 21:40:04.022225 [SetupTv(1)]: SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM.
2013-01-30 21:40:04.037825 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime - Process failed with exception message:
2013-01-30 21:40:04.037825 [SetupTv(1)]: select idProgram, idChannel, startTime, endTime, title, description, genre, [state], originalAirDate, seriesNum, episodeNum, episodePart, episodeName, starRating, classification, parentalRating from Program where endTime >= @endTime and idChannel = @idChannel and ((startTime < DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime), @pEndTime)AND endTime > DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime), @pStartTime)) OR (startTime < DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)+1, @pEndTime)AND endTime > DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)+1, @pStartTime)) OR (startTime < DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)-1, @pEndTime)AND endTime > DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)-1, @pStartTime)));
2013-01-30 21:40:04.037825 [SetupTv(1)]: SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM.
2013-01-30 21:40:04.053425 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime - Process failed with exception message:
2013-01-30 21:40:04.069025 [SetupTv(1)]: select idProgram, idChannel, startTime, endTime, title, description, genre, [state], originalAirDate, seriesNum, episodeNum, episodePart, episodeName, starRating, classification, parentalRating from Program where endTime >= @endTime and idChannel = @idChannel and ((startTime < DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime), @pEndTime)AND endTime > DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime), @pStartTime)) OR (startTime < DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)+1, @pEndTime)AND endTime > DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)+1, @pStartTime)) OR (startTime < DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)-1, @pEndTime)AND endTime > DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)-1, @pStartTime)));
2013-01-30 21:40:04.069025 [SetupTv(1)]: SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM.
2013-01-30 21:40:04.069025 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime - Process failed with exception message:
2013-01-30 21:40:04.084625 [SetupTv(1)]: select idProgram, idChannel, startTime, endTime, title, description, genre, [state], originalAirDate, seriesNum, episodeNum, episodePart, episodeName, starRating, classification, parentalRating from Program where endTime >= @endTime and idChannel = @idChannel and ((startTime < DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime), @pEndTime)AND endTime > DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime), @pStartTime)) OR (startTime < DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)+1, @pEndTime)AND endTime > DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)+1, @pStartTime)) OR (startTime < DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)-1, @pEndTime)AND endTime > DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)-1, @pStartTime)));
2013-01-30 21:40:04.084625 [SetupTv(1)]: SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM.
Last edited:

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