2013-01-29 22:06:17.600820 [(23)]: Controller: epg stop
2013-01-29 22:06:18.700883 [(23)]: Controller: epg stop
2013-01-29 22:06:18.723885 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: Create table tvanytimehistory for MySQL
2013-01-29 22:06:18.875893 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: table tvanytimehistory allready existing in MySQL? CREATE TABLE `tvanytimehistory` ( `idHistory` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `idChannel` int(11) NOT NULL, `channelName` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL, `title` varchar(2000) NOT NULL, `description` text, `startTime` datetime NOT NULL, `endTime` datetime NOT NULL, `id_Schedule` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `status` int(11) DEFAULT '0', `imdbRating` decimal(10,2) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idHistory`))
2013-01-29 22:06:18.876893 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: Create table tvanytimehistory for MSSql
2013-01-29 22:06:18.884894 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: table tvanytimehistory allready existing in MSSql? CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tvanytimehistory]([idHistory] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,[idChannel] [int] NOT NULL, [channelName] [varchar](200) NULL, [title] [varchar](2000) NOT NULL, [description] [text] NULL, [startTime] [datetime] NOT NULL, [endTime] [datetime] NOT NULL, [id_Schedule] [int] NULL, [status] [int] NOT NULL, [imdbRating] [decimal](10, 2) NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_tvanytimehistory] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [idHistory] ASC ) WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY] ALTER TABLE [dbo].[tvanytimehistory] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_tvanytimehistory_status] DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [status]
2013-01-29 22:06:21.044017 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: all settings saved
2013-01-29 22:06:21.094020 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: process start
2013-01-29 22:06:21.218027 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: process end
2013-01-29 22:06:21.231028 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: next process time is: 2013-01-29_23:06
2013-01-29 22:06:42.154225 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: all settings saved
2013-01-29 22:06:42.167226 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: process start
2013-01-29 22:06:42.248230 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: process end
2013-01-29 22:06:42.258231 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: next process time is: 2013-01-29_23:06
2013-01-29 22:07:24.659656 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: all settings saved
2013-01-29 22:07:24.686657 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: process start
2013-01-29 22:07:24.750661 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: process end
2013-01-29 22:07:24.762662 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: next process time is: 2013-01-29_23:07
2013-01-30 19:28:56.609624 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: Create table tvanytimehistory for MSSql
2013-01-30 19:28:56.632625 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: table tvanytimehistory allready existing in MSSql? There is already an object named 'tvanytimehistory' in the database.
2013-01-30 19:29:22.836124 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: all settings saved
2013-01-30 19:29:22.878126 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: process start
2013-01-30 19:29:23.108140 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: process end
2013-01-30 19:29:23.122140 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime: next process time is: 2013-01-30_20:29
2013-01-30 21:40:03.975425 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime - Process failed with exception message:
2013-01-30 21:40:03.975425 [SetupTv(1)]: select idProgram, idChannel, startTime, endTime, title, description, genre, [state], originalAirDate, seriesNum, episodeNum, episodePart, episodeName, starRating, classification, parentalRating from Program where endTime >= @endTime and idChannel = @idChannel and ((startTime < DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime), @pEndTime)AND endTime > DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime), @pStartTime)) OR (startTime < DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)+1, @pEndTime)AND endTime > DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)+1, @pStartTime)) OR (startTime < DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)-1, @pEndTime)AND endTime > DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)-1, @pStartTime)));
2013-01-30 21:40:03.975425 [SetupTv(1)]: SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM.
2013-01-30 21:40:04.006625 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime - Process failed with exception message:
2013-01-30 21:40:04.006625 [SetupTv(1)]: select idProgram, idChannel, startTime, endTime, title, description, genre, [state], originalAirDate, seriesNum, episodeNum, episodePart, episodeName, starRating, classification, parentalRating from Program where endTime >= @endTime and idChannel = @idChannel and ((startTime < DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime), @pEndTime)AND endTime > DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime), @pStartTime)) OR (startTime < DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)+1, @pEndTime)AND endTime > DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)+1, @pStartTime)) OR (startTime < DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)-1, @pEndTime)AND endTime > DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)-1, @pStartTime)));
2013-01-30 21:40:04.022225 [SetupTv(1)]: SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM.
2013-01-30 21:40:04.037825 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime - Process failed with exception message:
2013-01-30 21:40:04.037825 [SetupTv(1)]: select idProgram, idChannel, startTime, endTime, title, description, genre, [state], originalAirDate, seriesNum, episodeNum, episodePart, episodeName, starRating, classification, parentalRating from Program where endTime >= @endTime and idChannel = @idChannel and ((startTime < DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime), @pEndTime)AND endTime > DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime), @pStartTime)) OR (startTime < DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)+1, @pEndTime)AND endTime > DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)+1, @pStartTime)) OR (startTime < DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)-1, @pEndTime)AND endTime > DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)-1, @pStartTime)));
2013-01-30 21:40:04.037825 [SetupTv(1)]: SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM.
2013-01-30 21:40:04.053425 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime - Process failed with exception message:
2013-01-30 21:40:04.069025 [SetupTv(1)]: select idProgram, idChannel, startTime, endTime, title, description, genre, [state], originalAirDate, seriesNum, episodeNum, episodePart, episodeName, starRating, classification, parentalRating from Program where endTime >= @endTime and idChannel = @idChannel and ((startTime < DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime), @pEndTime)AND endTime > DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime), @pStartTime)) OR (startTime < DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)+1, @pEndTime)AND endTime > DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)+1, @pStartTime)) OR (startTime < DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)-1, @pEndTime)AND endTime > DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)-1, @pStartTime)));
2013-01-30 21:40:04.069025 [SetupTv(1)]: SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM.
2013-01-30 21:40:04.069025 [SetupTv(1)]: TVAnytime - Process failed with exception message:
2013-01-30 21:40:04.084625 [SetupTv(1)]: select idProgram, idChannel, startTime, endTime, title, description, genre, [state], originalAirDate, seriesNum, episodeNum, episodePart, episodeName, starRating, classification, parentalRating from Program where endTime >= @endTime and idChannel = @idChannel and ((startTime < DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime), @pEndTime)AND endTime > DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime), @pStartTime)) OR (startTime < DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)+1, @pEndTime)AND endTime > DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)+1, @pStartTime)) OR (startTime < DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)-1, @pEndTime)AND endTime > DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, @pStartTime, startTime)-1, @pStartTime)));
2013-01-30 21:40:04.084625 [SetupTv(1)]: SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM.