I saw in your account that you are from Italy. Just an interesting observation that about 40% of NovaRemote users are in Italy. So Italy is the main stream in MediaPortal . That was really unexpectedly for me also as well as no one from USA.
Version 1.3 released. You can download it from the AppStore. This version has a lot of fixes according to user reviews.
1) TV guide sometimes shows No data. Fixed.
2) Mess in TV logos (one is placed on the other). Fixed.
3) fanart for retina images. Now all images are loaded according to what display is using.
4) fixed the problem that 1.2 version stops working after 20th of May.
5) now playing view enhancements. Now it shows fanart of playing item.
6) Iphone version. NovaRemote 1.3 is now one app for ipad, iphone and ipod. It is implemented for both 3.5 and 4 inch displays.
NovaRemote for Iphone should be free for everybody who already own ipad version.
I will add some additional info (explanation of some gesture controls that are maybe not obvious) about iphone version to the first post of this thread.
Thank you for your request. Just added watched status and episode numbers. It will be available in 1.4.
Also I already implemented streaming functionality. It will be possible to play all your content on the ipad or iphone. Working nice. Sometimes I get some artifacts in playback. Maybe it is because I am now located in my private house and try to stream from my appartment over the internet. Anyway it is working good.
If you don't mind I'll send to you beta-version for testing.
Did you tried iphone version?
P.S. Streaming recordings to my iphone over internet and then send it to appletv via AirPlay made some revolution in my mind .