OpenLounge uPnP MediaServer (3 Viewers)


Portal Member
February 1, 2007
Hi people,
regarding the question of Kaoh:
I also tried to use the MediaServer Plugin with the lastest Version of MP and got the same errors.
After downloding the sourcecode - thanks to bionicdonkey - I got out some changes in the core.dll of MP. I made some modifications at the Server Source and, well, the server runs! But bumpy with many breaks in the transfer of the media content.
After downloading the UPNP SDK of intel - is used by the openlounge server which is the base for the MP MediaServer - I found out that the UPNPxx.dlls distributed with the MediaServer are not the newest own.
Well, I compiled the source - this time the openlonge Server and the Media Serve -again and now it runs great.
So, now my question: It's the first time for me to made some changes in the software of MP to provide to other users.
Is it ok, to do this or do I need to ask bionicdonkey before?
How to deploy this now.
By the way, I made another modification as well, because I like to have the possibility to setup the Name of the Server (shown in the UPNP control point).



Portal Member
February 1, 2007
To fyodor's question
Mp is not a UPNP Client - as far as I now.
With the UPNP Plugin from bionicdonkey you are switching the MP to an UPNP Media Server "only" (sorry bionicdonkey, you did a great work).
But now you are able to browse the media content music, video and pictures (TV is not support - but just use the TV Engine - works great) with any upnp control point to send to an UPNP Client (Renderer) to play there (almost the control point and the rendere are in the same machine - maybe have a look on to unterstand the upnp architecture, if you would like). I have the Philips WAS700 at home an it works well.
For testing you may use the MediaRendere SW wich is a part of the Intel UPNP tools and free of charge to download on the Intel site - just use google a little bit.
In the Plugin setup you have to select the folders which should provided by the MediaServer.
The MP folders for Music, Video, etc are not used automatically.
But in the case that I may do modifications (see my first input to this thread) on this plugin I would like to do this, because I would like to have this functionality as well.

But my idea is to develop an MP Plugin to have an control point with MP to be able to control my upnp devices (the WASs and the SW ones) by MP.
Are there some more of you they would like to have this kind of plugin?
I need a motivation to start with the dev.



Portal Member
January 25, 2006
Cross in Hand, UK
Very interested in this feature.

Is it possible with upnp to have two clients attached to the same stream...?

I want to achieve a multi room music playback system.

The icing on the cake would be for any client to be able to modify the streaming playlist.. So MP in the living room could line up a few tracks, then another MP in the kitchen could add / modify the current playlist all whilst both playing the same stream...

Or is this just a dream ?




Portal Member
February 1, 2007
Hey jslinnha,
my Philips WAC WAS combination which is based 100% on UPNP has this feature. Its called follow me and broadcast function.
As far as I know, the Intel UPNP SDK supports the follow me function to switch a stream between to renderes and it is also possible to synchronise the renderes.
Therefore I don't think that it is a dream, but quite diffcult to develope, because there is no docu to the intel upnp sdk.


Portal Member
January 25, 2006
Cross in Hand, UK
Hi Tino

That's what i wanted to hear....

I've been messing around with MP for a while now, and have thought about trying to develop plugins there was nothing i needed at the time that wasn't already in progress.

However if this is something you are working on, maybe i can offer my help. I am current a Java developer, and from the simple messing i've done with C# it seems to be very similar so should be easy to pick up.

Let me know if i can help with this idea.

I would suggest a simple client plugin to start that will just allow a client to "attach" to a broadcast stream.




Portal Pro
November 27, 2004
Tilburg, Netherlands
I'm certainly interested! I've got a audio UPNP device.
Ultimately it would be great if MP supports UPNP audio and video so a thin client can be used as a 'MP-extender'. I'm sure many many people would be interested in that.


Portal Pro
September 11, 2006
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
Excellent news this is.
I am not sure how this license thing is working also though. Wasnt there a license with the source you downloaded? Else I would figure it follows the license of MP.

So since I can not test it yet, this is my upnp servers wish list:
- Custom name
- Plays files in order of filename (or optional) not track name in alpha.
- Can play from "here", so play all files in folder incl. sub folders

Thats all for me, not much but actually hard to find ;-)

Cant wait to use this plugin, another custom app I can remove from the MPPC.


Portal Pro
September 11, 2006
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
Oh, and offcourse I voulenteer to do some beta testing for you.
I have two UPNP clients (philips streamiums) so I can do some multi stream testing also.


Portal Pro
September 11, 2006
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
So, any word?
Any change of this great plugin concept being converted and developed again?


Portal Member
February 1, 2007
Hi Kaoh,

I've finished the development of the UPnP Media Server Plugin based on the idea of openlounge and bionicdonkey.
But I did really changed a lot of code to provide a lot of new features to make the server right customizable and better integrated in mediaportal.
here a list of the features of my version of the UPnP Media Server Plugin:
- customizable server name
- option to taking over the media shares and playlists from Mediaportal
- definition of visual names of new media shares (not configured in mediaportal)
- definition which top folder (music, video, pictures) should be provided with the whole media content

If possible and allowed to provide a plugin which is based on another code I would like to place the plugin at the mediaportal homepage.
If you would like to have it for testing, I'll send you the files you need.

Yesterday I started the dev of the ControlPoint, but I'm not sure how long I need to finish. Therefor, pls have a little time.


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