The problem here is that the ticker would be start from the beginning after showing the feed item descritption for e.g. 3 seconds. But i like the idea, but at the moment i see no solution for that.Have you thought about this as an enhancement option:
Most RRS feeds have a link for each news item taking you to the full story.
Instead of displaying the RSS feeds as a ticker, you display each item for 3 seconds as static text (scrolling if the item is longer than the feed width)
Sorry i don't know what excatly you mean. You mean on the feed selection screen, the items should already be loaded when hovering over the feed, and not on button/mouse/key press?While hover over the RSS feed the user can press a key (eg the arrow keys) to cycle forward/back between news items. That way if I saw a news item he wanted to read but missed the text he can press the left arrow to go back to that item, then press enter to load it into the web browser window.
Also a good idea. But that is related to the webbrowser plugin. I have something already ready (firefox based webbrowser), but in a early stage. I concentrate first on the navigation part of the browser (keyboard/mouse/remote) and would then add some other features.In the web browser plugin the user can press a button like a home button that takes the user to a selection screen. The selection screen has all the RSS news items and the user can up/down arrow over any of them and press enter to nagivate into that item. If the user has setup multiple RSS feeds, then the first selection item would be to choose a feed, then the 2nd selection item would display the list of all the news items with the option to display the full story by pressing enter.
Hey edsche,
I have been running your latest beta for a while now and I noticed occiasional crashing on mediaportal startup. Attached my logs.
Mh i think it would be better if InfoSerivce sets a default image for All Titles Ticker by itself, then it would be only one control.* SetFeedOnWindow also sets #infoservice.feed.img. that means that skinners that use #infoservice.feed.titles and show #infoservice.feed.img on the home screens should check if String.Equals(#infoservice.feed.isalltitles,false/true) for image control. and make a new one depending if all titles is shown or not. i have done it this way:
Code:<control> <description>RSS default image</description> <type>image</type> <id>11117</id> <posX>0</posX> <posY>0</posY> <width>80</width> <height>80</height> <keepaspectratio>yes</keepaspectratio> <texture>InfoService\defaultTop.png</texture> <!-- default image when all titles is visible --> <visible>Plugin.IsEnabled(InfoService)+String.Equals(#infoservice.feed.isalltitles,true)</visible> </control> <control> <description>RSS image - InfoService</description> <type>image</type> <id>11118</id> <posX>0</posX> <posY>0</posY> <width>120</width> <height>80</height> <keepaspectratio>yes</keepaspectratio> <texture>#infoservice.feed.img</texture> <!-- image when the feed is selected --> <visible>Plugin.IsEnabled(InfoService)+String.Equals(#infoservice.feed.isalltitles,false)</visible> </control>
2010-02-18 00:52:44.578808 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Window: MediaPortal.GUI.Home.GUIHome deinit
2010-02-18 00:52:44.581808 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: TextureManager: CleanupThumbs()
2010-02-18 00:52:44.598809 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Window: InfoService.InfoServiceCore init
2010-02-18 00:52:44.607809 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: GUIWindowManager: Could not find window 16000
2010-02-18 00:52:44.611810 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Windowmanager: Goto previous window
2010-02-18 00:52:44.612810 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Window: InfoService.InfoServiceCore deinit
2010-02-18 00:52:44.614810 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: TextureManager: CleanupThumbs()
Hi Cemelli, you are missing a skin file called infoservice.xml.
That file will show you a select of either twitter or feeds.