*ORIGINAL THREAD* InfoService v1.6 - Feed reader/Twitter reader and weather (3 Viewers)

Psycho Reptile

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    Re: InfoService v1.32 - 5 day weather/Feeds/Twitter on basic home [04-01-2010] *PLANN

    Thanks, but I've tried that already... and I know it works, I just thought it would be a little more simple if the plugin handles that itself because the gfx files are included in the plugin archive.

    Just my 2p ;)


    Portal Pro
    July 8, 2009
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    Re: InfoService v1.32 - 5 day weather/Feeds/Twitter on basic home [04-01-2010] *PLANN

    Hello, when i add a city for the weather section. MP starts with a unhandled exception error because of a error in the date/time field. I included the logs


    Community Plugin Dev
    January 7, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    Re: InfoService v1.32 - 5 day weather/Feeds/Twitter on basic home [04-01-2010] *PLANN

    Hello, when i add a city for the weather section. MP starts with a unhandled exception error because of a error in the date/time field. I included the logs
    Argh answerd you at the other thread already, but lets continuing here.
    Which exact version of InfoService do you use? Which cities you have entered in MP? You've entered a new city in the MP weather gui?

    Btw: debug logs would be useful. See here how to enable.


    Portal Pro
    July 8, 2009
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Re: InfoService v1.32 - 5 day weather/Feeds/Twitter on basic home [04-01-2010] *PLANN

    Hello, when i add a city for the weather section. MP starts with a unhandled exception error because of a error in the date/time field. I included the logs
    Argh answerd you at the other thread already, but lets continuing here.
    Which exact version of InfoService do you use? Which cities you have entered in MP? You've entered a new city in the MP weather gui?

    Btw: debug logs would be useful. See here how to enable.

    The latest version InfoService v1.5 Beta 8. I tried two cities Utrecht and Amsterdam both give me the unhandled error. I will do the debug logs now


    Test Group
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  • February 23, 2008
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    Re: InfoService v1.32 - 5 day weather/Feeds/Twitter on basic home [04-01-2010] *PLANN


    I'm using latest StreamedMP skin (0.9.988) which has version of InfoService in it.
    When i configure the InfoService plugin with 2 (or more) RSS Feeds it only shows 1 on BasicHome untill i go into the 'News' section and click on the option 'Show all feeds on Home', but after a restart of MediaPortal, that settings isn't saved. I'm not sure if it's supposed to work that way but if it is then it would be nice to have a checkbox for that option in the plugin configuration ;)

    Also i noticed an inconsistent translation in Dutch for the weather. Today's forcast (morning) was 'rain to snow' which was translated into Dutch like 'regen to sneeuw' so the word 'to' wasn't translated correctlly. For the evening the translation was 'Regen / Sneeuw' (which would be just fine for the morning also.


    Community Plugin Dev
    January 7, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Re: InfoService v1.32 - 5 day weather/Feeds/Twitter on basic home [04-01-2010] *PLANN

    Hello, when i add a city for the weather section. MP starts with a unhandled exception error because of a error in the date/time field. I included the logs
    Argh answerd you at the other thread already, but lets continuing here.
    Which exact version of InfoService do you use? Which cities you have entered in MP? You've entered a new city in the MP weather gui?

    Btw: debug logs would be useful. See here how to enable.

    The latest version InfoService v1.5 Beta 8. I tried two cities Utrecht and Amsterdam both give me the unhandled error. I will do the debug logs now
    That is now fixed. This occured because you didn't entered the MP Weather GUI before. I've added a check for that, but this one was buggy.

    I'm using latest StreamedMP skin (0.9.988) which has version of InfoService in it.
    When i configure the InfoService plugin with 2 (or more) RSS Feeds it only shows 1 on BasicHome untill i go into the 'News' section and click on the option 'Show all feeds on Home', but after a restart of MediaPortal, that settings isn't saved. I'm not sure if it's supposed to work that way but if it is then it would be nice to have a checkbox for that option in the plugin configuration
    Yes, for the old (1.32) one it's supposed to do that. But for the newer (1.5) one there will be an option to set the startup feed (incl. the All feeds ticker).

    Also i noticed an inconsistent translation in Dutch for the weather. Today's forcast (morning) was 'rain to snow' which was translated into Dutch like 'regen to sneeuw' so the word 'to' wasn't translated correctlly. For the evening the translation was 'Regen / Sneeuw' (which would be just fine for the morning also.
    The translation part translates word by word. So if weather.com gives me the string "rain to snow", InfoService translates first the word "rain" then "to" then "snow". The word "to" is not in the translation list, so infoservice will leave this untranslated. For the evening translation weather.com gives me another string back, as it's look like...


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 23, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Re: InfoService v1.32 - 5 day weather/Feeds/Twitter on basic home [04-01-2010] *PLANN

    Yes, for the old (1.32) one it's supposed to do that. But for the newer (1.5) one there will be an option to set the startup feed (incl. the All feeds ticker).



    Portal Pro
    July 8, 2009
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Re: InfoService v1.32 - 5 day weather/Feeds/Twitter on basic home [04-01-2010] *PLANN

    edsche thank you, where can i find this fix? or will this be in beta9?

    edit: oh i fixed it by disabling the plugin add a city and then enabling it. Thank you again


    Community Plugin Dev
    January 7, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Re: InfoService v1.32 - 5 day weather/Feeds/Twitter on basic home [04-01-2010] *PLANN

    Disable InfoService, Start MP, go to the weather screen, refresh it, close weather screen, leave MP and finally enable InfoService and try again. If it still don't works, i will upload a fixed version

    Hi Chris, just to let you beta 8 fixed the Sky and BBC feeds. The reason that no image was showing was a gfx file defaultFeedAll.png was missing from the Monochrome\Media\InfoService folder (found by using debug mode and checking log ;)). Also I had overlooked the new drop down box to select which feed is shown at startup. The other three feeds showed an image at startup :D.

    A suggestion, there are two gfx files for each feed, eg: defaultFeedRSS.png and defaultFeedItemRSS.png. ATM the defaultFeedItemRSS.png is blown up and used as the thumb for the feed item if there is no image, I think it would be better to use the defaultFeedRSS.png which is bigger and can be used without scaling. And the defaultFeedItemRSS.png should be used as the default button image without squashing the bigger one to fit.

    I've attached the images I've made/use for Monochrome ATM, perhaps they can help explain what I mean ;)

    Hopefully I haven't over complicated my explanation, lol.


    Thats easy said, but not easy to do :D Why not just increase the item images or also use the bigger default feed images as default feed item images?

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