Power save modes (1 Viewer)

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Ich habe mit dem Power Scheduler konfiguriert, dass der Rechner anbleiben soll wenn verschiedene Prozesse laufen, wie z.B. Firefox...
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MP1 MP2 IPTV in New Zealand DE
that will only work if the username+password is in the m3u8 url. I have one like that and it works pretty ok
that will only work if the username+password is in the m3u8 url. I have one like that and it works pretty ok
I would love to get IPTV working on my Mediaportal. I have the TV server and three clients working great, but a recent power supply...
MP1 MP2 MP2 - V2.4.1 MP2 Stopped powering down DE
Make sure the "Configure Windows Energy Saving" settings in MP2 have not changed >Settings/General/System, they should be as in the screenshot below. Failing that you should check in Windows "Power Options" itself that everything is as it should be.
Make sure the "Configure Windows Energy Saving" settings in MP2 have not changed >Settings/General/System, they should be as in the...
Hi, MP2 (V:2.41.1) has been working fine for ages. I have the PowerScheduler set to power off after 10min, but now it doesn't...
ok, thanks. No hurry, take your time!
ok, thanks. No hurry, take your time!
@high I've since several days issues with the wiki pages. I can normaly log in and edit the content. But when I want to save I...
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