Rar Mount 3 for MediaPortal (3 Viewers)


Portal Pro
July 28, 2009
Home Country
Germany Germany
also tried on MP RC3 here now and no luck, nothing happens on triggering an *.rar file

may someone a hint howto ?


Portal Member
October 3, 2008
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
Question to those who got this working: is it possible mount a rar filed iso.. ie play rar:ed image through Daemon Tools or to me much more preferable Virtual CloneDrive?


Portal Pro
December 14, 2005
Gdansk, Poland
Home Country
Denmark Denmark
Regarding RC3, I am planning to upgrade my own installation ASAP (read: hopefully today, definately during the weekend).
Once upgraded, I will have a look at this issue.

Regarding ISO files, it should work. At least the code is there to mount it using Daemon Tools. However, all my rar'ed files are MKV format.
But no matter what, it shouldn't be a problem, since MediaPortal has support for Daemon Tools (and CloneDrive?) and should therefore implicitly be able to play the file.
The RarMount plugin simply wraps a filesystem around the internal video file, which makes it more or less "just another file" for MediaPortal. It's just mounted on a temporary drive.

One question though. Is your ISO file compressed or just stored in the rar-archive?
This plugin supports only stored files (which is de-facto standard for rar'ed videos today). I am working on the idea of supporting compressed files. But I would most likely have to change the entire plugin (read: make a new one) more or less.

So, if time will allow for it tonight I will try to fix the RC3 issue :)


Portal Member
January 6, 2008
Whenever i try to play RAR's with dokan5.2 x64 and rarmount i get this error, i actually had things working smoothly for a while with RC2. But it started to crash a lot as well so i thought i'd try RC3 just for shits and giggles, and it's no better.

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:	CLR20r3
  Problem Signature 01:	mediaportal.exe
  Problem Signature 02:
  Problem Signature 03:	4bf12684
  Problem Signature 04:	DokanDrive
  Problem Signature 05:
  Problem Signature 06:	4bf1c829
  Problem Signature 07:	6c
  Problem Signature 08:	36
  Problem Signature 09:	System.AccessViolationException
  OS Version:	6.1.7600.
  Locale ID:	4105

As soon as Mediaportal detects my dokan drive it displays this error.


And it's working again after a quick dokanctl /r a - dokanctl /i a - reboot - I'M IN MIAMI BITCH!


Portal Pro
December 14, 2005
Gdansk, Poland
Home Country
Denmark Denmark
Okay guys,

I have just upgraded my MP to 1.1.0 RC3 including updating StreamedMP to newest version. I have not modified my RarMount and it works flawlessly.
Well... almost... but I am not sure if it is a problem with RarMount. I seem to have some "MediaPortal has stopped responding" errors popping up here and there. Sometimes after a loooong time and sometimes after 10 minutes. I did not have this before installing my RarMount (I think). Anyone else have such strange problems on their installation?

It might be that DokanDrive implementation is not entirely stable and that's why it crashes and acts weird.... maaaybe... hmmm....


Portal Member
October 3, 2008
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
Argh.. sad to hear that it works ;) then it must be mine and alturismos settings that is faulty, coz it couldnt be that the StreamedMP skin fixes stuff hmm got to try that anyway.. looks like a beauty. Hate when im this clueless.. exact same reason why i gave up daemon tools went to Virtual CloneDrive, nothing happend. (And yes the iso dvds should just be stored so i guess that one will work when or if i get this to work :/ )


Portal Pro
July 28, 2009
Home Country
Germany Germany
i tested now on 3 boxes, always same result

skins i use are Black Glass, now also StreamedMP on 1 box, same result

no drive gets initiated ...


Portal Pro
December 14, 2005
Gdansk, Poland
Home Country
Denmark Denmark
You guys are using an ISO within a RAR, right?

Make 100% sure that the archive is not compressed. If you have to, even unpack the ISO and rearchive it without compression (Mode: Store).

Make sure that you can open the ISO (not contained within a rar archive) within MediaPortal and that it plays correctly.
Also, I only know that MediaPortal works with Daemon Tools.

If it still is not fixed, then there must be an issue with RarMount. I have not had the time to look into it, since I wasn't at home almost for one week.

For those of you with a DokanDrive problem with an access violation. This seems to be an issue with Dokan and it has been posted in their issue management, but not assigned yet. Until then, you may fix it using The_Rebel's method above.


Portal Member
October 18, 2008
Home Country
Norway Norway
Tips: create a logging system for rarmounter...
check rar mode before trying to mount it, and logg error with mode type, or even inform the user in MediaPortal that the mode is not supported.

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