I've updated dlls in first post.
Summary / Overview was always empty
Collections were not filtered to official ones
Studios were not populated
Fallback to english tagline didn't work
Score / Popularity now empty instead of dummy rating and unknown popularity numbers
Also I've tried to compile plugin against MP 1.34 x64 and...
I've updated dlls in first post.
Summary / Overview was always empty
Collections were not filtered to official ones
TheTVDB.com has movies in their API now.
API itself looks ok now so I decided to add TVDB to Moving Pictures. Check it if you...
Both the release announcement page and the corresponding news thread are incomplete with respect to installation of SQL Server. I suggest linking to the top-level SQL Server wiki page instead of enumerating the individual versions, which I plan to expand soon to include MS SQL Server Express 2019.
Both the release announcement page and the corresponding news thread are incomplete with respect to installation of SQL Server. I...
Both the release announcement page and the corresponding news thread are incomplete with respect to installation of SQL Server. I...