I have been using the list from Razor78 but quite a few things are not working anymore.
ARD and ZDF are notably not working, at least the HD ones.
Sky Action is also not working a few new or seasonal channels are missing.
Is there any chance to automate the update somehow?
How are you guys producing those files in the first place? Do you scan and export or just edit the files based published sender lists.
Could we somehow produce an import from the Sky channels as published there: http://www.sky.de/web/cms/de/kundencenter-hilfe-installation-transponder-sat.jsp
You mean Sky Action HD? If yes, you will find it on the frequency of Disney Channel HD which is not broadcasting on Sky any more.
You could maybe just rename it.
On ARD and ZDF afaik nothing changed. Running here without any Problem.
ich habe eigene Programmlisten gepflegt, welche für meine Ansprüche passend sortiert sind.
Ich habe nur das Problem das ich die Bundesluga HD Sender 7-10 und Eurosport 360 Sender nicht finde, wahrscheinlich da diese im Moment nichts senden.
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit nur diese zu importieren, bzw. diese manuell hinzu zu fügen?
Danke Nu
@radical Thanks for the tip.
I did rename Disney Channel HD as it has indeed become Sky Action HD.
ARD and ZDF started working again. I'm not sure why they were not working the other day.
Now I'm also notably missing 'Sport1 US HD' and 'Sport1 US HD 1'.
There is an entry for the first one but it's not broadcasting anything so the tuning must be wrong.
Can anyone help with that?
I don't think I have the second one and the one I have is not broadcasting anything. Though I'm pretty sure it use to work.
Maybe it's actually tuned to the feed and I'm missing the main channel then.