skip buffering (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
July 4, 2010
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
In the changelog of 0.28 it states that you should be able to skip the pre-buffer by pressing the play button again.
Can anyone confirm this??? The play button doesn´t skip anything for just keeps buffering.



Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 26, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    AW: skip buffering

    If the filter that will be used to play the file is requesting the full file before playback, there is no chance to force the playback start.
    This new skip pre-buffering feature only works while you are below the configured percentage (default 2%) - you can skip that buffering. So on large files you can start to play earlier, if the filters allow such.


    Portal Member
    July 4, 2010
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Ok, so i guess the filter that I use is not allowing me to skip this buffer...I have now set it to 1% and have to wait untill this 1% is ready...pressing play does nothing. mayby it´s possible to set it below 1%??? it´s not possible in the normal settings screen to go below 1%...

    Is there a way I can change my settings for allowing this buffer skip feature to function?
    :D for the info


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 27, 2009
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    I think you don't quite understand offbyone:

    The thing is: some filters want to have the complete file before playback is started, regardless of the buffer percentage.
    The reason this new function is made, is that while 2% prebuffering is reasonable for shorter videos, but if you want to watch a full movie of over 90 minutes, 2% is quite a lot, so in those cases (and of course, if the filter doesn't need the whole file before playback) you can press "play" to start playback before the 2% is reached.


    Portal Member
    July 4, 2010
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Yes but what I meant is that even the video´s that start playing after 2% buffering ( so i´m guessing they don´t need the whole file) can´t be forced to start playing before the 2% is finnished.

    You helped me before with the video´s of you know of the long buffertimes. When I try the play button during this long buffertime nothing happens....

    Maybe I have a wrong filter selected for this possible??


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 26, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    I just discovered this new feature has a bug. :( It's a timing issue and hard to spot on fast systems (reason I missed it in the first place when testing on my dev machine). Attached is an updated dll to test. Just extract an replace the old one in MePo plugins/Windows dir.

    But: the bug means that the file won't play at all, beause the code tries to start it multiple times. So it's different from what you are describing.
    What key are you pressing when talking about "Play"? It's P by default on the keyboard - I tested with MePo 1.1.2. Which are you using?


    Portal Member
    July 4, 2010
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    I´m using 1.1.2 aswell.
    I will try the new dll you just gave.
    The button i´m pressing is the dedicated PLAY button on my MCE remote.
    I haven´t tried P yet but I will do that aswell and let you know!
    :D for looking in to this..BIG fan of your work :D


    Portal Member
    July 4, 2010
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    I tried the dll and P button like you suggested. Both work perfectly!!!:D a million.
    However, pressing the PLAY button on the remote doesn't... maybe you should look into that, I guess most people like there mediacenter to be operated with a remote.

    There is somethig strange however. The videos of cinemassacre buffer extremely slow with player=internal added to the configuration file (this was a tip from doskabouter). Buffering takes AGES. BUT when you skip the buffering making use of the new feature, it plays just fine. Even if it has buffered only 0.1%. If buffering really was that slow you shouldn't be able to watch the video this quickly.

    Can you look into this cause it seems like a bug of sorts? If there's anything I can do just let me know. LOG files are not going to help you much I guess.

    the video I used for testing was cinemassacre--angry video game nerd---2004/2006--Bible games (this is the first one).

    good luck!


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 26, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    AW: skip buffering

    I guess the "Play" remote key sends a different Command to MediaPortal than what the P keyboard key does :( I'll try to find it out and post a new dll.

    I looked at cinemassacre yesterday and found that they are trying to deliberately send wrong info. Their server sends a Content-Length header set to 2 GB! The video is definately smaller but the source filter thinks it is 2 GB and will try to get those 2 GB ... So don't test with cinemassacre, for now it is broken.


    Portal Member
    July 4, 2010
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Ah 2 GB :eek: yes that would take a long time to buffer. is that also the reason mediaportal crashes af the ending of a video?
    I have 2 logfiles that I recovered after these crashes.
    twice the same sort of crash from which I can only recover with ctrl-alt-del

    I must warn you though, My windows version is in Dutch so some of the error reports in mediaportal are aswell. Not all of them.

    good luck!! and:D


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