Sky UK/IT/AUS enhancements (2 Viewers)

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  • June 11, 2007
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    Hi, I definately have an issue getting the EPG, I think the first sucessful grab may have been a fluke. I hit manual grab and one of the tuners does do something, mostly only active for between 10 and 30 seconds, but last night on one occasion manually grabbing it appeared to be tuned for like 30 minutes before I just exited the config to load MePo but everytime I have no EPG at all.

    Last night I left MePo on all night with a TV channel tuned so it wouldn't sleep and didn't schedule any recordings etc so there would be an idle tuner all night, just to see if it would manually populate itself, but again this morning there is no EPG at all.

    These are the steps I just took right now..
    Cleansed old logs
    Attempted manual grab in config (1 tuner tuned but returned to idle again after only 30 seconds)
    Close config and opened MePo
    Looked on guide, no EPG at all, tuned to two channels to make sure there isn't a problem with scrambled channels etc
    Closed MePo and gathered logs.

    Could someone have a look for me please?



    Guess the mass of entries saying the channels are not configured to be grabbing data is whats stopping it.. What exactly should be configured in the other sections of the DVB EPG section of MePo? Do I need to go through and check all the channels in the list? I thought that was for using the Freeview EPG grabbing??

    EDIT 2:
    Logs removed, prob solved.


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  • June 11, 2007
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    Ok, I've had a play again and figured out what I am doing wrong. I think my confusion is coming from understand if Sky EPG is replacing the DVB EPG. Obviously enabling the SkyEPG is as simple as checking the box in the Providers menu item under DVBEPG but the grabbing parameters such as when and what to grab still appears to be controlled by the existing options for DVB EPG.
    Sky EPG works well and populates 99% of channels, ITV4+1 as others have said does not populate but its reported you can use the DVB EPG grabber to get that channel. I had assumed it was a case of ticking that channel in the list in the TV EPG Grabber menu and checking 'Store data only for selected channels', but checking that appears to tell 'both' grabbers only to insert data for those channels which are selected into the database.

    What I don't understand is how you select to grab only specific channels via DVB EPG and the rest via Sky EPG. As they share the same configuration surely if you have 'Always try to update existing' selected then if the Sky EPG populates channels first and then the DVB Grabber gets some data for those channels also, then the Sky EPG data would be overwritten? Inversely if the 'Always try to update existing' option was deselected, then if the DVB EPG populated those channels first, then the Sky EPG data would be dropped?

    Or am I misunderstanding something? How do they co-exist using the same configuration options?


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  • May 21, 2008
    Bolton, Lancashire, England
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    Hi Batfink,

    I didn't try to understand it - well beyond my ken I'm afraid; I can tell you about buildings but not the intricacies of software.

    I just wanted it to work, and it did, so I was happy 'cos the GF didn't give me grief.


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  • June 11, 2007
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    Oh it works, some awesome work has obviously gone into crafting this :)

    But I'd still like to understand how to populate the channels which the Sky guide doesn't carry using the DVB epg :p

    On a side note.. I'm missing some channels after a channel scan (not EPG related) don't suppose you know how to find LivingLoves for example? I'm a bit scared to post in the support forums as this isn't exactly an encouraged practise..


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  • October 6, 2009
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    Hi there,

    For me by enabling DVBS EPG grabbing to the Freesat Audio channel gives me ITV4+1 EPG (ie non Sky EPG) in addition to the Sky EPG

    Yep LivingLoves has gone... Its the only down side using this version, is that you have to manually track channel changes/deletions.



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  • June 11, 2007
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    Hi, I'm still kind of curious how these two enabled interact. I might have a look at enabling webEPG again and setting it just to grab the channels I'm missing as I think that has pretty much explicit control of itself and dependant on nothing else EPG related.

    Is it right to assume that series link would break if the EPG info was from Freesat and not Sky? or is Series Link functionality not based around entires in the EPG database?

    :( More problems.. I have enabled quick record menu in TV Guide and selected series link as an option in the MePo config.. but I don't see this option when using MePo.. How do you access the quick record? If I hit the record key on my remote or view the information of the highlighted channel and scroll down to record, I only ever see the options Record until manual stop or record this program?


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  • May 21, 2008
    Bolton, Lancashire, England
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    What I do is select the program in the EPG, (I use Avalon skin with an 8 row TV Guide) I navigate to the program I want and then press the red 'record' button on the remote. This brings up the Quick Record menu and lists the series link if it is a series. For example, tonight on BBC2 at 23:20 is a program called "Are you having a laugh?" - I just pressed record and the series link didn't show in the Quick Record menu; must be due to this being a one off program. I went onto "Family Guy" on BBC Three at 23:00 this evening and pressed Record and the series link option was showing in the menu - this is due to Family Guy being a series.

    You can also activate the series link via the "Search" section - I think it is under Advanced Recording options.
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