I might be being thick by asking this question but, if you run a mutliseat setup which of the 2 exe's do you install on the client pc's? If you only install the mediaportal client one and not the TV-Server one then mp fails to start with an error about TV client versions being different! If you install both, you have a TV-Server installed....
Edit: Also, BBC1 yorks isnt replaced by BBC 1 HD??
You need to install MediaPortal 1.2.0 beta first. Install as client only.
Run the Media Portal update first then the TServer/plugin second this will see you have a client only install.
Sky don't replace the Regional channels with HD so I can't program it in.
Thanks for the reply!
Some of my channels are not mapped to any card. Like Watch, GOLD and Dave for instance, it that something I have done wrong?
Can you post your system specs for me thanks
I think all the data isn't being grabbed.