I can't seem to change the Streaming server from my default X4 - to the loopback adapter Well I can but it doesn't stick when I change tab or exit and restart the config. It says I'm running in Restricted Mode as well, despite only running a singleseat and being logged in as a user with Admin status with UAC disabled.
Obviously scanning's not going to work until I fix this but I also noticed doing a Crystal Palace scan it refers to Bandwidth 0 whereas in MP1 it uses 8, so I'm not sure if it would pick up anything anyway. Where does MP2 get the tuning parameters from as I couldn't find a collection of .xmls like MP1 uses?
Obviously scanning's not going to work until I fix this but I also noticed doing a Crystal Palace scan it refers to Bandwidth 0 whereas in MP1 it uses 8, so I'm not sure if it would pick up anything anyway. Where does MP2 get the tuning parameters from as I couldn't find a collection of .xmls like MP1 uses?