- September 1, 2008
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Would be really great If you could help to narrow it down!! Please find attached the last crash dumps. With the Mystique S2 Dual it did not happen the last 3 days anymore, but in the past I also had some crashes, after the system was coming up from standby. I also had it, after 1 or 2 seconds, when a recording has started. The first seconds were recorded successfully. With all the newer drivers I only need to do some channel switches and there it is - the beloved blue screen. at the beginning was also looking good, at least with manual channel switches, but when waking up from standby it was crashing, too. With my IRTrans module I made a stress test, that wakes up the computer and put it to sleep again after 40 seconds in a loop. The was crashing after some minutes, when it had to grab epg. Without grabbing epg it was working well all the test time(3 1/2 hours), constantly switching off and on again. Now, with the and the reinitialize feature disabled it's looking stable again - it has also succeeded in the on/off stress test.
Many tuners including my own Pinnacle 7010ix (x 2) have issues waking up from standby or hibernate. In my case the tuners sometimes disappear altogether. That happens on startup also - tuners just don't appear. Very frustrating! Can you confirm that you *only* get BSODs *after* the computer wakes from standby?
There is also another issue, that might come from the Mystique - in every recording there are a few positions in the movie, where the data stream seems to be corrupt. The receiver losses the hdmi sound signal and the picture is broken. But, this are only very few short moments, so it is not the biggest show-stopper. Does anyone have the same problems with a Mystique Satix S2 or any other card?
How good is your tuner's signal strength and quality? Also, does the sound get lost and picture break up at the same position in the recording every time you watch it? (In other words, if you rewind back to before the corrupt section and then play again, does the corrupt part still have problems?)
Just wondering whether the issue is in the recording file itself (because signal dropped out, HDD couldn't write fast enough etc.), playback (HDD file read speed issue) or HDMI "handshaking" issue (HDCP)...
I also just had another thought about your Tevii tuner. Maybe you could try using the DVB-S network provider instead of the generic one to see if it helps. You can find this in TV Server configuration:
1. Expand the TV Servers section.
2. Select the TV Server that has the Tevii card.
3. Select the first Tevii tuner and click edit.
4. Select the DVBS network provider in the preferred network provider field.
5. Repeat for the second Tevii tuner.
If you find that it doesn't make a difference then change back to the generic one.
[Edit: in answer to your earlier question about recommended tuners, it is hard for me to recommend a good tuner for you because New Zealand doen't have access to the same tuners that you have in Germany. Generally many people seem to be happy with the DigitalEverywhere and DigitalDevices tuners. I also don't see too many issues with the Technotrend tuners (*don't* buy a "premium" one - they are not yet supported!!!). I recommend that you get other peoples' opinions to narrow down your choice, then make sure you find at least one user who uses the tuner you decide to buy. In your case make sure to ask them about standby/hibernate (and CI/CAM support if you also use that). It is sometimes just luck of the draw . Good luck! ]