Tools and other software tinyMediaManager - The Media Manager for MediaPortal (Win/Mac/Linux) (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
September 23, 2013
Home Country
Austria Austria
chaning the existing <credits> won't be a solution - this would break the XBMC/MP compatibility..
any other suggestions? ;)


Portal Pro
September 23, 2013
Home Country
Austria Austria
I've added producers to the NFO (designed like actors - name/role/thumb).
I did not add writers, because at the moment we do have only the writer name (no role or thumb) which is already written to the credits. I hope this is ok


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  • November 26, 2006
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    Yes it's OK. :D

    My problem is that I am trying to develop the ability to read NFO files from multiple formats/media managers into MyFilms. I am sure you can understand the difficulty when each app uses credits a bit differently :( So yes, TMM only uses it for Writers atm, but other apps are less consistent. I wish for a 'standard' that allows users to use whatever media manager they prefer, and easily switch to another (like TMM ;)) and still have all data accessible in MyFilms. Most movie catalogs supported by MyFilms use separate fields for writers and producers, hence MyFilms does. So I get frustrated when variable data is lumped into one 'credits' field with no easy way to distinguish/extract it. But that's not your problem Manuel ;) I will probably always be frustrated LOL


    Portal Pro
    September 23, 2013
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    to be honest: I hate the structure of the XBMC NFO. It is far from being a valid XML and this does only bring problems :(
    When I have time (and being ready for such a discussion), I may start a discussion with the XBMC and MP devs for creating a "new and elegant" NFO/XML interface between the media centers and other tools (like tmm).
    But I already know that this will not be a easy task - that's why I do not have any energy to do it now ;)


    Portal Pro
    September 23, 2013
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    Yes that will be possible - with a little problem.
    Your movies will certainly be classified by certifications of the same country (e.g. US). But if you have several movies classified with ratings by different countries (e.g. some movies with certifications from DE), the drop down list for the filter is much more complicated to build..
    I can't display all possible certifications (they are too much) and I can't display only certifications for the chosen (in the settings) countries.. So I will have to build up a list with all used certs and display that -> complex:cry:


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  • May 10, 2007
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    When I have time (and being ready for such a discussion), I may start a discussion with the XBMC and MP devs for creating a "new and elegant" NFO/XML interface between the media centers and other tools (like tmm).
    i have started this ... on XBMC side & MP Forum. i have uploaded an table of all node who can be available for NFO

    maybe this can help you, for start your own thread. ...éos-maybe-xbmc.107160/

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