Hi guys,
First of all, I would like to thank you for this amazing plugin. It finally made me able to stream my live tv to my android mobile on both LAN and WAN. However, I am not sure what I am supposed to do to stream through the internet.
I have read the whole thread and wiki to find any clue on how to do so but with no luck.
So I need someone to explain what I should type in the browser to get my media through the internet instead of typing http://192.xxx.xxx.xxx:8080 to stream through LAN or WAN and if there is any more setup needed to be done.
But again thanks for this amazing plugin.
If you have an dynamic ip you need something like this.
And port forward 8080 in your router to 192.xxx.xxx.xxx .
If you have a static ip you just have to check it from your LAN with http://www.whatismyip.com/ and do a port foward of 8080 in your router to 192.xxx.xxx.xxx (this will also work if you have a dynamic ip but the ip can change, and then you have to check it again.)
Thanks hegu, I will give it a try