OK I looked in the TV channels list and there is only one entry for BBC One HD (channel 101), clicked on preview and got an error message "preview failed: no PMT found " I think I may have found the reason - I read on another forum that the Bluebell hill mast will not be upgraded until the 27th June!
OK I looked in the TV channels list and there is only one entry for BBC One HD (channel 101), clicked on preview and got an error...
Hi, The BBC have recently made changes to their DVB-T2 broadcasts and now I can no longer find BBC one HD , I have scanned three...
Due to the recent update in FanartHandler and using dynamic paths for the ClearArt, ClearLogo and CDArt this is resolved without the need to update MovingPictures Cornerstone.MP.Extensions as FH no longer uses #selecteditem and instead uses #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.title.
At the moment MePo theme has these values but I plan to...
Due to the recent update in FanartHandler and using dynamic paths for the ClearArt, ClearLogo and CDArt this is resolved without...
There is an issue with missing #fanarthandler.movie.clearart.selected path value when MovingPictures loads a list of movies.
There is a tag missing in the tuning-parameters file for the UK Heathfield transmitter (problem encountered by a user). I have corrected the file and it is attached.
-- from CyberSimian in the UK
There is a tag missing in the tuning-parameters file for the UK Heathfield transmitter (problem encountered by a user). I have...
There is a tag missing in the tuning-parameters file for the UK Heathfield transmitter (problem encountered by a user). I have...