Vista and EVR support (1 Viewer)

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Portal Pro
July 1, 2007
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
Turns out that the particular channel (Discovery (S)) caused problems even without EVR & also without the tsreader. I did a new channelsearch and now it works again, for some strange reason. The problem still remains with the HD channels unfortunetly:

tsreader - !evr -> one frame is shown of the video, then stopped
!tsreader - !evr -> works
!tsreader - evr -> sound works, black screen

Perhaps i spoke to soon. Still having problems with EVR. No sound in the first channel i tried, then switched channel, no sound or video. Didn't lock up the mediaportal but all channels stopped working after this. Back to !evr, switched channels 4-5 times, all worked. Then back again to evr, first channel works but no sound, switched channel, video works , no sound.

A bit strange though because i got sound in the HD channel not that long ago , using EVR. Need to restart the computer and try again..

Ok, SD channels work now after a reboot, still only sound in the HD channels.

Offtopic: Another problem. I get one language in the right channel, another in the left when i watch Eurosport. Changing language only changes language in one of the channels. No difference between using EVR or not though.


Retired Team Member
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  • April 26, 2006
    tsreader - !evr -> one frame is shown of the video, then stopped
    ^ that one is bad , eabin you told me it couldn't affect tsreader when evr is not used , couldn't be that issue dman had ?


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  • September 18, 2006
    looks like a tsreader issue to me. there is no reason why the EVR implementation should influence VMR9, because they are two seperate classes in the DLL, and in the C# part, the changes are rather minimal.

    so if there is no bug in the C#-changes (really only about 3 or 4 if-statements), i have no idea where to look, as long as i cannot reproduce it locally.

    Laban: (still not completely out of ideas :) ) what configuration options are you using for the TV-Plugin? Did you enable "Rebuild graph on video/audio change"?



    Retired Team Member
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  • April 26, 2006
    Eabin , tested your dll with tsreader
    I have the same issue dman has .
    Seems to be due to a missing exported method in kernel32.dll
    I use xp btw
    could it be that this function , getTickCount64 only exist on some systems , and not in xp ?
    This leads to tsreader failing to load
    Could you build this dll on a 32 bits system ?


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 18, 2006
    GetTickCount64 is indeed a vista-only function. here is a build without it

    edit: and one with excessive debugging output


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 26, 2006
    That one worked Eabin (with tsreader and vmr9 i mean)
    So that's nice ,
    I'm a bit too busy for now to test it with evr , especially since i don't have a dx10 compatible video card , so i won't really be able to appreciate the results i guess.
    Will may try though if i can find a bit time.
    Now i assume your dll is almost ready for a commit , so that we may can get more feedback , but may you have a look on any possible backward compatibily issue before ? For example this "unnecessary" ref to GetTickCount64 leads to a tsreader loading failure, wich you thought it was responsible of.
    For sure there still are some issues in it wich should be fixed soon , but would be damageable to confuse the issues due to tsreader and the ones due to dshowhelper .
    Such work is really nice for MP . However it may need to be maintained/improved in future ,
    would you consider to join the team ? guess you would feel in better conditions to work , get some tests / feedback , and that it would be easier to keep your work up to date....
    Just lemme know ,
    whatever , i'll commit your dll on monday the latest if we don't get any other new trouble with this new build. We'll have to update the source code as well , would be nice if you can provide me an updated version to latest rev .


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  • September 18, 2006
    i don't think the problem that Laban has, has anything to do with the GetTickCount64 issue, because IIRC he is using Vista. But as he has problems with EVR turned off too, I suspect a problem with something else in the chain (maybe tsreader).

    i agree that the concurrent development of two important parts can lead to a few bugs that are hard to assign to one of the two, especially when they happen on other people's setups :) but as I said, other than some dependency problems under XP, there should be no influence from the EVR code on VMR9 whatsoever (and if there is, it most likely is my fault)

    i am committed to maintain my code, but i'm not sure if joining the team makes much sense, as I haven't done much work on anything but the dshowhelper.dll? what would be the difference to just posting new code to the forum?

    and btw: dx10 card or not, you wouldn't get any HW-acceleration with EVR under XP anyway, because DXVA2 is Vista-only.


    Portal Pro
    July 1, 2007
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    i don't think the problem that Laban has, has anything to do with the GetTickCount64 issue, because IIRC he is using Vista. But as he has problems with EVR turned off too, I suspect a problem with something else in the chain (maybe tsreader).

    I haven't got any serious problems as long as i'm not using the tsreader or evr.
    EVR works but i sometimes get problems with the sound, and it doesn't work (sound but black screen) on HD channels. I don't have these problem when i'm not using EVR.

    Adding the tsreader the mix creates more problems though.


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 18, 2006
    ok, so i got my new TV-card today (big thanks to digital everywhere for writing drivers that actually work!), and i am able to reproduce the problems when switching between SD and HD channels, when the picture freezes, but sound continues to work.

    i will do some more testing, and hopefully find something useful.

    edit: i just installed latest SVN version, and now everything seems to run beautifully. i can switch between SD/HD as many times as i want (tried about 10 or 15 times), and no problems.

    edit2: sometimes it takes about 10 seconds for the sound to appear. the picture change is always very fast (big thanks to the developers for making zapping that fast!). and sometimes after the sound starts playing, there is a picture freeze for another 10 seconds or so, but when i wait long enough, both picture and sound are fine. this happens only when changing from HD->SD.
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