MediaPortal 1 Talk (180 Viewers)

General talk regarding our HTPC-software MediaPortal 1 takes place here.
By bloatware, yeah resource hog and has alot of unnecessary things installed.
By bloatware, yeah resource hog and has alot of unnecessary things installed.
I was thinking of writing a guide in the wiki for using a Sony Ericsson bluetooth enabled phone as a remote within MP. Advantages...
MP1 MP2 Slimserver plugin DE
Is there a plugin for Mediaportal to communicate with Slimserver? Or perhaps to use the database within slimserver? I find Media Portal music database quite slow. Also I have custom sql filters in slimserver, so prefer to use those. Media Portal is a bit messy.
Is there a plugin for Mediaportal to communicate with Slimserver? Or perhaps to use the database within slimserver? I find Media...
Is there a plugin for Mediaportal to communicate with Slimserver? Or perhaps to use the database within slimserver? I find Media...
Okay: welcome to the twilight zone. I have just had to install my SATA HDD dirves onto my desktop PC as my main HTPC rig has failed -video card issue. Since the relocation, my *.mkv files are resumable on my bedroom HTPC across the LAN. WEIRD!!!!!
Okay: welcome to the twilight zone. I have just had to install my SATA HDD dirves onto my desktop PC as my main HTPC rig has...
Hi, I think the title describes it sufficiently. Can MP prompt to resume a previously played Matroska media file, like you can...
Answered my question for me :) I haven't used TV Server for a few months now, was looking to give it another go. Looks like 18080 is the release to test for now... :thx:
Answered my question for me :) I haven't used TV Server for a few months now, was looking to give it another go. Looks like...
Hello, I'm new to MP and like to try out the TVServer. I see daily SVN bulids and I am not sure, which version I should use...
Does it have to be the same revision number ? I have revision 18279 installed for Mediaportal and installed the same revision for TVengine (after uninstalling the previous version of server and client). Since then it is not working anymore. Furthermore, i canno't install the TVclient, i can only install the TVserver because when...
Does it have to be the same revision number ? I have revision 18279 installed for Mediaportal and installed the same revision...
I recently graded up to the latest TVengine version and RC3. Since RC3 my tvservice doesn't start automatically though it's correct...
MP1 MP2 Folder.jpg again DE
Thank you very much :D
Thank you very much :D
When i put a picture called folder in one of my folders with videos, i see the picture right away in MP under movies. This does...
Is their no one how can help me?
Is their no one how can help me?
I think this is more or less only for the dutch people here but ofcourse anybody can try to help me :) When i record something...
No version number is used with TVServer
No version number is used with TVServer
It can sound stupid, but I want to be sure what MP version have I installed in my HTPC. There is not a "about..." section. When I...
Actually the information is being persisted, is just not being read correctly so it fails to use it. Thanks for reporting it! Check next SVN to see if it works of for you.
Actually the information is being persisted, is just not being read correctly so it fails to use it. Thanks for reporting it...
Hi there, especially rtv, UPDATE: ====== Build 17827 seems to persist the sql settings I noticed in TV Server Configuration that...
Like I said, I may have missed the point, and perhaps I have, but.. How do you configure mediaportal? If you are going into the configuration app, then you can add movies to the database from there. Yuo could switch to share view and then hit the dots at the top of the share list to access other shares, find the relevant file...
Like I said, I may have missed the point, and perhaps I have, but.. How do you configure mediaportal? If you are going into the...
Hi there, my first HDD is full is there a way to add a second disk now as storage for recordings, without losing my old records?
Just send a message through the ebay system to all bidders warning them they are getting scammed.
Just send a message through the ebay system to all bidders warning them they are getting scammed.
Hi Just thought I would notify you that some guy is claiming to have reseller rights and is selling media portal on ebay 2008...
HI! This info is for all of you who don't like "that M$" and now "MP developers" takes decisions on your computer. ================================ begining at build 18279 "MP developers" has introduce a new feature "The TV Server now kills the MCE services when it starts, and DON'T restarts them upon exiting" Nice, don't...
HI! This info is for all of you who don't like "that M$" and now "MP developers" takes decisions on your computer...
HI! This info is for all of you who don't like "that M$" and now "MP developers" takes decisions on your computer...
If you read the powerscheduler section, it describes how to add programs that if running will stop shutdown from happening (ie converting recorded tv to xvid). Standby can be initiated via remote button, leaving mediaportal inactive in home screen or letting tvserver do it after its idle time, without MP running. Input from...
If you read the powerscheduler section, it describes how to add programs that if running will stop shutdown from happening (ie...
Hi. I am thinking about try to install the tv-serve so I can receive multiple TV DVB stream with a single DVB-T card. But...
MP1 MP2 TVE3/TV Server DE
TV-Engine 0.3/overview - MediaPortal Wiki Documentation Consider above. Your choice, please use a build prior to 18080, just for the immediate moment, whilst we fix a filter problem with current releases using the new installer,
TV-Engine 0.3/overview - MediaPortal Wiki Documentation Consider above. Your choice, please use a build prior to 18080, just for...
Hi guys/gals Very new to this and I am just trying to find out if I need TVE3/TV Server installed if I am only running...
MP1 MP2 Move SQL database DE
....I thought this is what the TV Series plugin was supposed to do?
....I thought this is what the TV Series plugin was supposed to do?
Is it possible to have a SQL database built from the various directories, as I find browsing by directory quite slow. Also have...
MP1 MP2 Analogue and STB DE
Aaron USBIRT has its origins in UIRT2 is the so inclusion in IR Server Suite may not be that difficult. The only reason I went with UIRT2 is I could build it myself and my first HTPC was a PVR350 and a pile of bits out of the junk box just to try out PVR's. It worked fine so I replaced all the hardware but the UIRT2 worked and has...
Aaron USBIRT has its origins in UIRT2 is the so inclusion in IR Server Suite may not be that difficult. The only reason I went...
I have been searching the Forum and Wiki for confirmation how to setup analogue inputs and control the STB without luck. I have a...
I've found the way it works a little odd - if you connect the second machine later than the first, then it will play back from the beginning of the current file it is recording to. Try this out - start a timeshift using the mptvclient, stop the stream, and press play, and it will replay the same section! I would like to know why - it...
I've found the way it works a little odd - if you connect the second machine later than the first, then it will play back from the...
I have two noteboook PC's (one Dell XPS1330 and one HP) running MP v2.3.0 SVN 17930 in client mode on a wired network. Both clients...
MP1 MP2 Vista or XP? DE
Stuttering could well be hardware\driver related, even with my X2 proccessor and a 7900GS have had stuttering if nvidia drivers have not updated correctly (assume this also applies to ATI).
Stuttering could well be hardware\driver related, even with my X2 proccessor and a 7900GS have had stuttering if nvidia drivers...
Tried to find the answer on the forum with a search but no luck... My current installation is windows xp pro + TVE3. It works...
@ Furetto Yes, pressing B works ! - I still think it is irritating, especially since the top menu is not accessible in 'DVD mode'. Thanks ! @ mrkaras Starting the film and then escaping just to go back from the menu - now that's a cool solution :). I hope this has been adressed in the latest development releases. At least now...
@ Furetto Yes, pressing B works ! - I still think it is irritating, especially since the top menu is not accessible in 'DVD mode'...
Hi everyone. First of all, let me say that MediaPortal is a great program and rockstable (I don't have a TV card yet)...
Standby and Resume works absolutly fine for me. But is there a way to speed up the sleep in time? Without TVE3 my pc sleeps in in a few seconds. With TVE3 it takes about 20-30s (sometime more, sometimes less) before the system sleeps. Not a real big problem, but maybe there is a way to speed it up.
Standby and Resume works absolutly fine for me. But is there a way to speed up the sleep in time? Without TVE3 my pc sleeps in in...
Standby and Resume works absolutly fine for me. But is there a way to speed up the sleep in time? Without TVE3 my pc sleeps in in...
I would also like an option to use DVBDREAM in MP since i find it works much better with NA sats
I would also like an option to use DVBDREAM in MP since i find it works much better with NA sats
Hiya all .... Noobie here. I read some where on this forum (should have bookmarked it) that TV-Server allowed you to use other...
I dont do uninstalls :-) I have ghost images of a fully patched and configured everything .. codecs.. sql .. all accept TVserver ... It makes it a lot easier to test different builds.. just load this image.. and I have a clean start.. Have done the same with my clients.. all accept svn build and tv client .. Within 10...
I dont do uninstalls :-) I have ghost images of a fully patched and configured everything .. codecs.. sql .. all accept...
Hi All, Which TVE build do people recommend? That is was has been well tested and stable? Thanks :thx:
Chaps After porting from MCE Vista and My Movies I am left with the task of getting the IMDB info for a lot of DVDs on disk. I do already have a .dvdid file for each from MCE, is there a way of using this to aid MP's searching and building of its database? Many thanks.
Chaps After porting from MCE Vista and My Movies I am left with the task of getting the IMDB info for a lot of DVDs on disk...
Chaps After porting from MCE Vista and My Movies I am left with the task of getting the IMDB info for a lot of DVDs on disk...
you can delete the music-database in the database folder or use this settings
you can delete the music-database in the database folder or use this settings
I've uninstalled and reinstalled Media Portal, and added D:\Music to the music folder. When I press rescan database nothing...
I'm using TVengine 17009 from 12/1/2008 and the client 17020 from the 13/1/2008. It seems stable for me. I mostly use TV and occasionally pictures and my programs (for emulators). Not the latest but is is always a big risk upgrading. One problem I have found is that the comskip doesn't seem to work, I think it is a mediaportal...
I'm using TVengine 17009 from 12/1/2008 and the client 17020 from the 13/1/2008. It seems stable for me. I mostly use TV and...
Hi all, I'm still running on an older version 0.2.2xx svnxxx. and I'm wondering what is the latest reasonable stable svn for...
That's probably something you should ask on the NetRemote forums. I know people have worked on different pocket pc remotes for MediaPortal and a search of our forums should turn something up, but I have not heard of anything specifically for NetRemote. Best of luck,
That's probably something you should ask on the NetRemote forums. I know people have worked on different pocket pc remotes for...
hello is it possible to use Mediaportal with Netremote ? Perhaps with a Plugin ?! Promixis
I have same problem and the pdf on wiki is useless....
I have same problem and the pdf on wiki is useless....
Ok, so here is the question. I have two MCE 2005 boxes, which I want to convert to MP TVserver. Each box has multiple tuner...
You'd have to manually edit the Skin XML files methinks.
You'd have to manually edit the Skin XML files methinks.
I'm using the Icons layout in My Movies which displays the DVD cover along with the movie title. Is there any way to display the...
Can an Admin delete ths, wrong place for such an tread.. Sorry Hey Have search all former post without finding a solution, so I'm making my own tread. I just bought myself a SV 3200 USB TV Box, external TV tuner. MP finds the card\unit but i get the error "unable to create graph for this device". I have no clue what to do and...
Can an Admin delete ths, wrong place for such an tread.. Sorry Hey Have search all former post without finding a solution...
Can an Admin delete ths, wrong place for such an tread.. Sorry Hey Have search all former post without finding a solution...
Hi Developement Team, i have a small question: Are the BDA realy required for the TV SERVER ?? Because with the BDA Drivers i've only problems. The channel signal and quality are lower than with the normal (non-bda [ dont know how the are called] ) drivers. I mean MediaPortal works with the non-bda drivers. ProgDVB and DVB Viewer...
Hi Developement Team, i have a small question: Are the BDA realy required for the TV SERVER ?? Because with the BDA Drivers i've...
Hi Developement Team, i have a small question: Are the BDA realy required for the TV SERVER ?? Because with the BDA Drivers i've...
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