Ambilight Eigenbau (Doku/ Infothread) - SEDU-Board, LED-Stripes, AtmoWin (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
July 27, 2010
ok, also soweit ich das jetzt verstanden habe würde es rein rechnerisch zwar reichen einmal die spannung anzuschließen, jedoch wäre ein risiko bezüglich durchgeschmorrten Kabeln gegeben.
Also gehe ich bei meinen ca. 80-90 Leds 3 mal parallel aus dem Netzteil um die Kabel welche ca. nen 0,75 Querschnitt haben nur noch mit ca 2 Ampere zu belasten?


Portal Member
August 21, 2009
ja, passende LEDs kaufen. Die müssen WS2801 Kontroller/ Protokoll haben.
Deine wirst du ohne Programmierkenntnisse nicht mit dem Sedu zum laufen bringen.
Programmierkentnisse hab ich zwar, will aber den "normalen" weg gehen.
Wo kann man swn passende leds günstig aus deutschland beziehen?


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December 4, 2012
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Netherlands Netherlands
Can someone post their atmowin settings. Can't seem to get the colors matching anymore. Eddie Murphy is red instead of brown, and a dark blue sky is baby blue.


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  • September 24, 2011
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    The AtmoWin settings for the coloradjustment depends on your led stripe. i dont think you can use settings from an other setup. Just reset your white adjustment to 255/255/255 and start again with calibrating.
    In addition...i dont think you cant get color of the leds matching the colors of your always will have some differences but these shouldnt as big as you got them right now.
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    New Member
    December 4, 2012
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    I understand, but if I see the youtube video's with the color matching nearly the movie...I want that too. :).
    Besides, when something turns black, I want the leds to go off. Not happening now.
    BTW. I have a SEDU board with 5050 SMD led stripes.


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  • September 24, 2011
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    The YouTube videos are often filmed by mobile phones or cheap cameras so i think that this will look different when you standing in front of it. And for sure the people who upload videos to demonstrate their ambilight searching for videos that will look the best on their setup...some videos are better for ambilight than other.
    If you want to turn of the LEDs when the screen is black just set the "darkness Limit" to 0 or 1 if you use the standard atmowin from vdr portal. But there are some problems related to that...test it and we will see if you got a problem with this setting.
    If you use the modified AtmoWin version from angie05, set the darkness limit to 10 for first testing.
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    Portal Pro
    September 27, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    Can someone post their atmowin settings. Can't seem to get the colors matching anymore. Eddie Murphy is red instead of brown, and a dark blue sky is baby blue.
    Could also depend on gamma, brightnes. But as stated before it depends heavily ont Leds. Anyway here are my Settings:
    Edge weighting: 35
    Brightness: 90%
    Darkness Limit: 10
    Hue Windowing: 3
    Sat Windowing: 3
    Zone Overlap: 0
    Filter: Combined
    Filter length: 300ms
    Filter threshold: 81%
    Filter smoothnes: 18%
    GDI capture framerate: 25fps
    Interlace rows: 1

    Under "Softwareweißabgleich"
    The "Weißabgleich" needs to be adjusted according to your Leds so no point in posting my values.

    Gammakorrekturmodus: Global
    Global: 0.65
    The Rest in this section is unimportant since setting is "Global"


    Portal Pro
    July 27, 2010

    Bin jetzt seit heute damit beschäftigt mein Ambilight zu bauen, und bin Hardwaremäßig (Platte mit LÜftungsöffnungen für tv, Löcher usw.) schon fertig.

    habe den Sedu kontroller angeschlossen und es funktioniert auch alles. Das einzige Problem was ich habe ist das manche Leds (ich verwende 95 und speiße 4 mal die Spannung ein) so ca. alle 10 Sekunden kurz mal rot leuchten, aber nur die letzten ca. 45 Stück und etwas häufiger das letzte.
    Weiß wer was das bedeutet?
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