Any Aussie Foxtel users here ? (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
May 10, 2011
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That that have a working EPG ?


Portal Pro
November 28, 2004
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Hi there,
I have an EPG that I wrote that does FTA and Fox for me. It is a mix of batch files etc that runs each night. It lets you download multiple days, adjust individual channels time offset, rename channels etc. Requires a free account at
If you so anything to improve it drop me a line, I have been using it trouble free for 3 years now.


    2 MB


Portal Pro
May 10, 2011
Home Country
Thanks to mm1352000 I was able to work out how to import a shepherd EPG into MP seamlessly so Im really pleased about that as the shepherd grabber is just awesome !!

My only concern is a decent theme and the ability for MP to grab my movies and music fanart and metadata which it couldn't when I tried last

A big win for me would be to find a way to integrate tv series downloading automation with full fanart and metadata


Portal Member
July 23, 2011
Home Country

Not sure how far you have proceeded with this.

I have MP 1.1.3 running and have used the StreamedMP Skin.

I am using Moving pictures and mptvseries to catalogue all of my downloaded content and it is working beautifully for all of these with fanart etc etc

I am about to tackle doing the same with Recorded TV - i suspect this will not be as easy - there will be a need to move the content to the correct folder and with the correct name - most of which you could automate by using the XML files - however these appear to be populated by the content of the EPG - so you will need good and consistent EPG content for this to come close.

I personally find that the majority of my watching of live TV is sport or transient stuff like news - most Movies and TV series are available for download in better def than we get them delivered in OZ


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