I'm French and I installed MovingPictures packaged with latest StreamedMP. What can I do to have MovingPictures labels (Year, Runtime...) in French ? Is there a xml language file to fill ?
This is planned for Moving Pictures 0.8, but we cold still actually use a French translation. If you are interested in helping out, you can get more details here (sorry the thread over there is a little messy) and if you need any help, jump onto our IRC channel:
if you just mean the values when selecting moving pictures in MP (not the config) then edit the movingpictures xml's and change the <label> to what ever you need. At least year, runtime is possible.
This functionality is a work in progress for the next release, but the current version of Moving Pictures does not support language files. If you are interested in testing out your script on an alpha build of Moving Pictures though, jump on the IRC channel and maybe we can figure something out.
In the meantime, would you mind posting the translation file on our issue tracker so we can be sure to get it integrated with Moving Pictures 0.8? Thanks for your work sagres, it is really appreciated!
Due to the recent update in FanartHandler and using dynamic paths for the ClearArt, ClearLogo and CDArt this is resolved without the need to update MovingPictures Cornerstone.MP.Extensions as FH no longer uses #selecteditem and instead uses #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.title.
At the moment MePo theme has these values but I plan to...
Due to the recent update in FanartHandler and using dynamic paths for the ClearArt, ClearLogo and CDArt this is resolved without...
There is an issue with missing #fanarthandler.movie.clearart.selected path value when MovingPictures loads a list of movies.