Balance control available? (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
July 28, 2012
Home Country
Germany Germany
1. Volume balance settings might not be reset
The settings of this app? But, it wouldn't be reseted in any case, anyway, it would stay as long like it is, like you set it until you change it, or do I get you wrong? This app is an alone standing app being not connect to other programs, if I am right.

2. You can get back into MePo quickly after exiting it to changing the volume balance settings
Accessing MP by remote control you mean? Otherwise, by keyboard of PC / Notebook using Alt+Tab?


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    1. Volume balance settings might not be reset
    The settings of this app? But, it wouldn't be reseted in any case, anyway, it would stay as long like it is, like you set it until you change it, or do I get you wrong? This app is an alone standing app being not connect to other programs, if I am right.

    You said this earlier -> "Yes, I know, I meant, each time I would exit it completely the balance settings were, sorry, forget this last sentence..."

    2. You can get back into MePo quickly after exiting it to changing the volume balance settings
    Accessing MP by remote control you mean? Otherwise, by keyboard of PC / Notebook using Alt+Tab?

    If you want to you can do both
    Last edited:


    Portal Pro
    July 28, 2012
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    You said this earlier -> "Yes, I know, I meant, each time I would exit it completely the balance settings were, sorry, forget this last sentence..."
    Yes, sorry for causing confusion, I edited my post by using the "Edit" function here and added ", sorry, forget this last sentence..." and meant this part: "Yes, I know, I meant, each time I would exit it completely the balance settings were lost".
    Sorry again.

    If you want to you can do both
    Yes, at least, if I would get my remote control running. But, I meant:

    2. You can get back into MePo quickly after exiting it to changing the volume balance settings
    Wouldn't it be more comfortable to use Alt+Tab doing so?

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