It is just Windows (but that is not the most important point) and I do not know whether you can create profiles the kind I would like to use, you firstly would enable the special profile you want to use for each start of XBMC, would be very uncomfortable for me, instead of enabling it automatically by XBMC, when you want to change the balance you would have to leave XBMC to go to the soundmixer...and so on.what is so bad in windows sound mixer with balance control that you want to have MP-own balance control?
Thanks for checking.oh, i just checked - windows use balance settings per sound output, not per application. So - no built-in windows solution.
And i guess, that you are the first one who needs different balance settings for different application for same audio device, so chances are rather small that it will be implemented somewhen...
Yes, that is a good example. Well, there are just many occasions. When I listen e.g. to the music (with a player, e.g. foobar) I have at least two positions where I sit / am. Foobar has a balance control. And as there is different music with different audio balances (e.g. Radio Stations / streams), I can easily adjust it by using profiles or manually doing it quickly. When I watch a movie I sit in the best position regarding the TV, which might not be the best position to the speakers, so I would correct it (respectively must correct it with the mixer or a little app) by a balance control. When I e.g. have the TV running without watching a movie, so when watching another broadcasting and e.g. I am working sitting at my Notebook I would need the balance to be adjusted to this situation and so on.Just to understant your problem - why would it need to change balance for different applications? because e.g. when using XBMC you probably sit in the middle of the room, and using WMP you are sitting at your table somewhere in the room corner?
Yes, but sometimes I need the CPU, RAM resources MP needs and even being not closed, I would adjust the balance for other programs, e.g. a could set MP to minimize on exit so it doesn't close.
Yes, may be that would be the only way to get a balance control for MP.Alternatively you could use autoit or autohotkey to create some hotkey combinations that adjust/set the balance to predefined levels.
right click on system tray icon and choose exitMany thanks for screen shot and link, kiwijunglist.
Yes, but sometimes I need the CPU, RAM resources MP needs and even being not closed, I would adjust the balance for other programs, e.g. a could set MP to minimize on exit so it doesn't close.
Yes, I know, I meant, each time I would exit it completely the balance settings were, sorry, forget this last sentence...right click on system tray icon and choose exit
What would be the advantage by doing that?you could set MP to minimize on exit so it doesn't close.
What would be the advantage by doing that?you could set MP to minimize on exit so it doesn't close.