Is anyone using a Ceton InfiniTV 4 with MediaPortal? Does MediaPOrtal support CableCard adapters? It is similar to a SiliconDust HDHomeRun PRIME, but is internal to the PC.
If you search the forum a little you're going to find threads like -->this<--. *No* the InfiniTV 4 is not supported, and the Prime can only tune clear QAM channels. CableCard encrypted channels are not supported. In theory we can support "copy-freely" content (the rest is off the table because of the DRM) but nobody has had the time to implement this yet - tuners new, few devs in America, no hardware, big job... many reasons.
Most (all?) small PC cases accept only ITX motherboards, which have only one PCI-E slot. So you could install only one PCI-E tuner card. A quad-tuner card would give you four tuners, but if you wanted more tuners you would need to use the TBS eight-tuner card, or use external tuners, either USB tuners (available with single or dual...
Most (all?) small PC cases accept only ITX motherboards, which have only one PCI-E slot. So you could install only one PCI-E tuner...
I've been using MP2 now for about 3 years:
I really happy with the way it works, although I can think of many great features I'd...
I've setup my HDHomeRun in MP1 as (4) IPTV cards rather than Atsc. I can see the (4) Atsc cards, but just have them disabled. I did it this way so I didn't have to edit the channel names every time tested a new TV-server install. Anyway, it works. I don't know if this would get you past the BDA driver issue. I'll provide more...
I've setup my HDHomeRun in MP1 as (4) IPTV cards rather than Atsc. I can see the (4) Atsc cards, but just have them disabled. I...
I am brand new to MediaPortal.
I have installed MP 2.4.1 on Windows 10. It is a fresh install and fully up to date.
I have an...
Concerning the HDHomerun Expand. This has 4 tuners, and is DVB-C
It has, of course, latest software from Silicondust already installed, version name 20230713.
BDA compatibility mode is set to MediaPortal.
Advanced --- BDA driver set to InjectCVCT
plus automatically select from tuners recommended.
Concerning the HDHomerun Expand. This has 4 tuners, and is DVB-C
It has, of course, latest software from Silicondust already...
I have set up MP1 .34 on Win 11 Pro.
I have a HDHomerun Expand DVB-C tuner, which I have used for about 10 years. Until about 2021...