I would like the option to manually update the epg (windows scheduling does not always work for me), either under Settings in the main menu or as an option on the epg guide menu.
i use the hauppauge remote. On this one it is the yellow button. For MCE look into Setup->Remote. It should be the same button for the detailed view of e.g. videos (imdb lookup).
i use the hauppauge remote. On this one it is the yellow button. For MCE look into Setup->Remote. It should be the same button for the detailed view of e.g. videos (imdb lookup).
Hi, it looks like the Client's server connection settings got corrupted somehow and were reset, hopefully this is an easy fix.
Open MP2-Client, navigate to Settings->General->Connectivity->Home server.
In the menu on the left there may be an option Detach from home server, if there is click it and acknowledge the dialog that pops up...
Hi, it looks like the Client's server connection settings got corrupted somehow and were reset, hopefully this is an easy fix...
Help Please: MP doesnt display any of my previouse recordings or TV programs
It seems like the Server isnt running?
MP was working...
thank you Sir, issue is definitely resolved now, i uninstalled the problematic MSE altogether, plus i also now have optimized EPG grabbing configuration, thanks again for all the assistance, wow so much faster on everything now that MSE is out of the picture...MP WAF is now restored and FetchTV STB sits in the corner collecting dust :)
thank you Sir, issue is definitely resolved now, i uninstalled the problematic MSE altogether, plus i also now have optimized EPG...
Long time MP user, and recently upgraded to MP1.34, prior to this upgrade, i have for many years successfully used MP with fast and...
I was not previously aware of the "Drive Free Space" plugin, and it is not easy to find. (There really ought to be an easier way of finding plugins.) There is this thread that introduces the plugin, and this thread that details some changes to the Titan skin made by Gary Martyn (from 2013 :eek: ).
I installed the plugin on my Aorus...
I was not previously aware of the "Drive Free Space" plugin, and it is not easy to find. (There really ought to be an easier way of...
I have a multiseat MP setup running version 1.33. I use the Titan skin and yesterday I decided I would update all my plugins on my...