Haali not disposed after stopping video (2 Viewers)


Portal Member
May 19, 2009
It is the VobSub handling which is now failing. Now we know where the problem is ;) This is really quick try to fix that without any second thoughts given. If not working have to check this more carefully. Others, please use this one for testing.

Working great for me! Thanks.
Testing with SAF400beta13 and all codecs, including DVD player. MP11B + 10.10 SVN. Clean install. Win7x86 RTM/ATI HD4650 + 9.9. VERY stable system now! (no TV stuff yet...waiting for next SVN).

Isn't Haali capable of loading subtitle filter by itself? That might be one reason to see that Haali icon even though all should be released. And please post logs - I can't guess what is happening there. And furthermore why VobSub is installed as MP has now good one inbuild?


tried the new core.dll but, well it seems to be working worse than before :( Starting my first hd movie worked but second caused a hang and i had to taskkill MP, cause MP seemed to be locked!?!

Can you repeat this every time? What happens if you stop the video first and then start another one (thinking about timing issue)? Also what happens with EVR, you are now using VMR as renderer. Í might need to add more logging for your case but a bit later.

I'm sorry I can't even start a movie because it just hangs MP everytime I try :( Only once MP showed me a dialogue like that:
Unable to play: (MOVIENAME).mkv

AUDIO CODEC: DTS (or another codec)

So I've no chance to even stop a movie :(

But I've some more logs, maybe they can help :)
View attachment 48526

I've activated the Exclusive Render mode and so I coul just start a movie with the new core.dll :) Then I stopped it and till this point everything fine, but then... starting another movie, MP froze and I had to kill it again by task manager :\ New logs:
View attachment 48527

THX & Regards

I get this if I forget to install the splitter. Also make sure it's a clean install...too many codecs problems compounded.


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  • January 7, 2005
    A question: where do I have to put the core.dll? If I simply replace the one in Media Portal folder, I neither can't launch the configuration... It starts, loads in memory, then stop e unload...
    Where am I worng?


    Probably an incompatible of MP version you are trying to patch. Make sure that you are using the same version as Manfred has written.


    Portal Pro
    March 4, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Ok, here is my experience.
    I upgraded to the latest SVN first. I was still on the original beta.
    I directly copied the core.dll in the MPdir and gave it a try.
    For information; I also make use of the Dynamic Refrashrate Changer.

    1st couple of attempts:
    The first number of trails went weird. I was able to open between 3-6 movies and stop them again. After that when pressing stop, there was a weird error resulting in just a black screen. No MP interface came up and no interface interactions worked. This happend repeatedly. I had to press ALT-F4 to close MP and restart it.

    Then I thought it could be skin related. (because of the "big" jump in the SVN upgrade and the fact it happens only when stopping a movie.) So I cleared the cash of X-factor and let MP build the cash up from the start again.

    2nd trail round:
    I went through all of my movie types. normal, avi's, MKV, ISO's, NRG's, Online media, Trailers, LiveTV... I tried about 20-25 movies. I had NO problem at all. :D :D :D And when I closed MP... NO Icons :D :D :D

    There was only one error. And that one popped up after switching from a LiveTV HD stream to a LiveTV SD stream. (audiable windows fatal error sound). If I read in the SVN thread itself, there are a couple of people reporting this issue, so this is likely not related to your Core.dll fix.

    SO... to summ it up. I am happy!!!!! It is working like a charm now. :D :D :D :D

    Question: Would anyone like me to repeat the test while creating a log file or something? Ill gladly help.


    Portal Pro
    February 1, 2008
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    Denmark Denmark
    I've tested this on Win 7 32bit, with newest public svn and core.dll.
    Everything seems to be working. Now I can play 2 HD movies after each other and FINALLY onlinevideos(youtube) is working playing more than one video after each other!!!!


    New Member
    May 18, 2008
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Works Great.
    First i still got problems, bus after i've installed the latest SVN everything works fine.
    Running Windows 7 32 bit.
    Great job


    Portal Pro
    November 6, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    Just to let you know: I have it also working now in Windows7 x64.
    What I had to change is in MP Configuration > General > Thumbnails, I removed the checkbox "Autocreate thumbs" in the section "TV/Video thumbs". I had this on and it seems it has caused the Haali icons staying in the taskbar. After some testing I had seen a "DllHost.exe" in the taskmanager with some significant CPU time as well as several "DllHost.exe" processes when connecting with GraphEdit.
    Probably the same fix that -Manfred- did needs to be sone somewhere else for the thumb creation?

    Anyways, I'm happy now, thank you -Manfred-, you are the man!



    Retired Team Member
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  • May 15, 2007
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    There is more bugs. If VobSub is installed and selected in config it doesn't work. Also if VobSub autoloading is enabled and you have selected MPC subtitles both are loaded. All different scenarios are currently failing with VobSub. But when this is finished then only one subtitle renderer is active at a time - and the correct one. I will post a new version shortly where ALL stuff should work.


    Portal Pro
    April 22, 2006
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    Solution for Haali + Sub:
    1) uninstall old VobSub filter
    2) donwnload newest DirectVobSub 2.39 here:
    Browse Guliverkli2 Files on SourceForge.net
    3) copy the VSFilter.dll into the system32 directory and do a "regsvr32 VSFilter.dll" there
    4) Open the Haali Options and change the Autoload VSFilter entry to yes (found under compatibility)
    Subtitles work again eg from mkv's with Haali and Coreavc...


    Retired Team Member
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  • May 15, 2007
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    Final countdown

    Last version for testing.

    Fixed: VobSub can be now used for subtitles (will not load with Haali). And only one subtitle filter active at a time. Also some fine tuning for videoplayer graph release.

    What to test: all kind of videos w/wo subtitles (+VobSub). And all of you post short logs even if now working ok. There is some added logging and rest of the players fine tuning will be based on that. :D

    Just a final note: parts which have changed are quite critical for all kind of playing so we can't add this without proper testing - especially so close to RC. So logs please ;)


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