Haali not disposed after stopping video (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
March 4, 2008
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Netherlands Netherlands
What are short logs? I have no clue. I do know the log creation process which creates a zip file on the desktop.

Well, I did some testing with the core.dll version from page 17. I hit a problem with ISO's. Could be that it is related to Virtual Clone drive (Dont use DeamonTOols). But I never had a problem with it.
THink I see is that an ISO has to be started twice. The first time, the menu just flashes in and out of screen. Second time it is playing propperly.

I did not find any kind of light log creation so I did a debug log.

What I tested in this sequence:
1x WMV 1080p Dark Knight
3x MKV 720p
2x AVI
2x ISO << problem visible

I also tried Live TV, but this wouldnt go at all. This is not in the log though.

I did a reboot. After that Live TV HD&SD worked like a charm.
I tried a couple of iso's again, and I still got the same error as described in edit 1.
After that, the Live TV doesnt work anymore...

So, need me to do a different test?


Portal Member
April 22, 2009
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Italy Italy
A question: where do I have to put the core.dll? If I simply replace the one in Media Portal folder, I neither can't launch the configuration... It starts, loads in memory, then stop e unload...
Where am I worng?


Probably an incompatible of MP version you are trying to patch. Make sure that you are using the same version as Manfred has written.

Ok, I've upgraded to the last SVN (, and download again the last core.dll (version
I've set H.264 render to MPC, DXVA on. I've tried with an H.264 mkv file: I can't see anything... :(
My iMon display shows the correct total time of the file, but the progress time remains blocked on 0:00...
whereas .If I stop the file, the Haali filter is correctly disposed.
If I play a normal divX file, non HiRes, everything works fine, with or without sub! I have the video, the sound, and when I stop, Haali is disposed.
With the previous core.dll ( I can see H.264 file: with DXVA on, Haali isn't disposed, with DXVA off, Haali is disposed.

I've attached a couple of logs... I don't know which are the shorter ones... :sorry:
I'll make some tests tomorrow


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    edterbak, jumpa: thanks for trying this out. Your issues are not related to these changes (99% sure) as graph building or ISO handling/player logic has not changed. I can see from logs that 3rd party plugins are used and don't know is that causing issues.


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  • January 7, 2005
    edterbak, jumpa: thanks for trying this out. Your issues are not related to these changes (99% sure) as graph building or ISO handling/player logic has not changed. I can see from logs that 3rd party plugins are used and don't know is that causing issues.

    It is highly recommended to use clean MP install (mainly without any installed 3rd party plugins). when testing this, so that Manfred doesn't get any false error reports. Currently I would advice to ignore any errors that are reported if there are any 3 rd party plugins visible in the logs.


    Portal Member
    September 18, 2008
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    Slovenia Slovenia
    MPC-HC subtitles filter can't display subtitles from custom paths, that's why i'm using DirectVobSub, but with this filter, i'm getting the error:

    Unable to play: (MOVIENAME).mkv

    AUDIO CODEC: DTS (or another codec)

    Can this be fixed? When not, you have to move subtitles and name them properly for every movie, that you download. Kind of destroys the experience of only controlling the HTPC with the remote only.


    Portal Member
    April 22, 2009
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    Italy Italy
    edterbak, jumpa: thanks for trying this out. Your issues are not related to these changes (99% sure) as graph building or ISO handling/player logic has not changed. I can see from logs that 3rd party plugins are used and don't know is that causing issues.

    It is highly recommended to use clean MP install (mainly without any installed 3rd party plugins). when testing this, so that Manfred doesn't get any false error reports. Currently I would advice to ignore any errors that are reported if there are any 3 rd party plugins visible in the logs.

    Is it possible to make a full backup of the configuration (3rd party plugin, downloaded extra) so that I can clean up and reinstall MP, and restore it after the tests?


    Portal Pro
    March 4, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    edterbak, jumpa: thanks for trying this out. Your issues are not related to these changes (99% sure) as graph building or ISO handling/player logic has not changed. I can see from logs that 3rd party plugins are used and don't know is that causing issues.

    It is highly recommended to use clean MP install (mainly without any installed 3rd party plugins). when testing this, so that Manfred doesn't get any false error reports. Currently I would advice to ignore any errors that are reported if there are any 3 rd party plugins visible in the logs.

    Is it possible to make a full backup of the configuration (3rd party plugin, downloaded extra) so that I can clean up and reinstall MP, and restore it after the tests?

    This is the thing that hampers me as well. Id love to help out whereever I can, but I dont have a spare dev system. The system I have needs to be working. I can only do so much in an hour or two.

    Im curious to what tools are available like what you ask about. Maybe a virtual windows installation?


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  • July 26, 2008
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    virtual system can add additional bugs i think
    im just using second windows installed on disk d for testing

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