Ah, sorry, yes.Videos?
Yes, OK, what I meant was, I would like to press a key / shortcut and then opens the window showing the bookmarks (if there were one available) and not a window where I would have to choose to go to the bookmark window.(F9 or Info button on remote, sometimes Yellow button, depends on remote) and select Bookmarks.
Thanks for the link, exactly that page I had found before (but in the "Bookmarks" section there are not that many informations).I recommend reading a bit in the wiki http://wiki.team-mediaportal.com/1_MEDIAPORTAL_1/14_Using_MediaPortal/1_Videos/1_Video_Playback
Thanks pody,
In the new neat MediaPortal? Bookmarks not working? I cannot...
OK, thanks again.
i use bookmarks on my 1.2.3 installation, and they also work on my test 1.3, so if you have problems using bookmarks - create new thread and describe your problem there, instead of complaining to newcomers that something doesn't work a long time.