How do i get XMLTV running for australia (4 Viewers)



a couple of requests for you:

1. Is there any chance you could add in support for excluding certain channels form the xml file/download? I thought this support was meant to be native within MediaPortal by using the tickboxes in the Channel setup page. However this doesn't work as I would have expected. I posted a bug report but was told it was a "feature":

2. Is there anyway to easily change the names for the channels without having to directly edit the xml file after each download? I brought this up in thread here:

Point 3

3. Is there any chance that your grabber could ever be integrated into MediaPortal, so it is an option from the configuration dropdown box. This way MediaPortal could schedule the downloads for you.

Thank you. Your grabber is great. :p


Portal Pro
August 25, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
forbes said:
3. Is there any chance that your grabber could ever be integrated into MediaPortal, so it is an option from the configuration dropdown box. This way MediaPortal could schedule the downloads for you.

I haven't really looked into this (I use the scheduled tasks in windows to timer downloads) but it would be nice to get it integrated. I'm not sure how MP integrates with the XMLTV, maybe frodo could shed some light. Maybe frodo could create an interface that could be used to integrate XMLTV plugins, much like how you can make plugin modules (i.e. My recipes, my news etc.).



Portal Pro
August 25, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
New version of D1XMLTVGrabber is available!

The changes are the requests from forbes post before:
forbes said:
1. Is there any chance you could add in support for excluding certain channels form the xml file/download? I thought this support was meant to be native within MediaPortal by using the tickboxes in the Channel setup page. However this doesn't work as I would have expected. I posted a bug report but was told it was a "feature":

2. Is there anyway to easily change the names for the channels without having to directly edit the xml file after each download?

It can be downloaded from the same link as before,




perhaps our recent magazine coverage wasn't such a good thing. Can anyone confirm that Sam's grabber coverage stopped last night?

Sam - is there any workaround :wink:

Please PM/email/irc if you have news which shouldn't be posted here. Thanks.


Portal Pro
August 25, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
forbes said:

perhaps our recent magazine coverage wasn't such a good thing. Can anyone confirm that Sam's grabber coverage stopped last night?

Sam - is there any workaround :wink:

Please PM/email/irc if you have news which shouldn't be posted here. Thanks.

Works fine for me... they're servers do go down once in a while but they're usually rebooted pretty quickly, maybe that was it...



samuel337 said:
Works fine for me... they're servers do go down once in a while but they're usually rebooted pretty quickly, maybe that was it...

Both myself and gt have tried this and it does download and create an XML file, but the coverage ends at midnight last night. No new channels. gt was trying Newcastle and I was going for Brisvegas. Is it OK for Melbourne? Maybe I should move :wink:


Portal Pro
August 25, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
forbes said:
samuel337 said:
Works fine for me... they're servers do go down once in a while but they're usually rebooted pretty quickly, maybe that was it...

Both myself and gt have tried this and it does download and create an XML file, but the coverage ends at midnight last night. No new channels. gt was trying Newcastle and I was going for Brisvegas. Is it OK for Melbourne? Maybe I should move :wink:

Come to Melbourne's working fine! Ok, well except that I only have the show titles and no descriptions for any show from the 24/10/2004 onwards.

I think the D1 people are a bit slow in updating their sources, that's all. I have no idea what their source is, given that the oztivo group has asked repeatedly for the data (even with payment) but have been denied every time as the tv guide provider (HWW) says that in their contracts with the tv stations, they are forbidden to provide the data to PVR and related companies/organisations/community groups. Rumour has it they type it in themselves....



I have tested all the regions now (for 3 days worth of the "free" channels)

  • Canberra - empty
    NSWReg - empty
    Sydney - works, but no programme descriptions
    Darwin - empty
    NTReg - empty
    Brisbane - empty
    QLDReg - empty
    Adelaide - empty
    SAReg - empty
    Hobart - empty
    TASReg - empty
    Melbourne - works, but no programme descriptions
    VICReg - empty
    Perth - empty
    WAReg - empty

Seems like they are not supporting all the regions anymore. That in itself is not too bad for myself because there's not much difference between the Brisbane and Melbourne guide. Its a real shame that we're not getting the descriptions anymore.

samuel337 said:
the oztivo group has asked repeatedly for the data


Rumour has it they type it in themselves....

If we could convert their tivo downloads into xmltv format then it would work. There are programmes out there that do the opposite function. Might be worth asking some of the oztivo community. I'm sure they they would welcome the chance to have more potential checkers for them.

One of the great things about the oztivo listings, is that they include the Genre bit too. Not only would this improve the look of the EPG in MP (Currently colour coding is an option), but I'm sure that as MP grows some new scheduling options will be based on this data.

Anyone got any idea at how different tivo listings are to xmltv?
Anyone know of any existing convertors?

More importanly, anyone heard what's up with D1's data? Are they only supporting Sydney and Melbourne from now on?



I just tried to grab the programing content for Melbourne using the d1xmltvgrabber. The only station which seems to have any programing info at all is SBS.
any clues?




Portal Pro
August 25, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
Bryce said:

I just tried to grab the programing content for Melbourne using the d1xmltvgrabber. The only station which seems to have any programing info at all is SBS.
any clues?



Nope, I just checked out the data source and there is info available for other channels as well in Melbourne. Only title is available for most though, no descriptions.

I just noticed that D1 has added some new data in - there is now a new category and subtitle column in their data. Maybe the delay with the data this week is because they are reconfiguring their database and primarily their customers are in Sydney and Melbourne so they have provided temporary data for them...


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