First off, sorry if I'm a complete noob, but I've read through this entire thread as well as others and cannot seem to figure this stuff out...I'm hoping this isn't over my head...
I'm absolutely stuck on this whole TV-Server setup...I've hooked up the HD-PVR, gotten signal through Arcsoft TME (though I can't figure out how to channel change), and even get signal when I test it through the TV-Server config program. However I can't find any information on this entire forum on how to set this up correctly so I have an accurate guide as well as audio and video syncing together (audio is way off). The walkthroughs I have found just say 'scan for channels' but obviously that does not work with this type of device. I'm at wit's end with this thing and really want to have this set up correctly so that I can finally integrate my entire system through my htpc.
Can anyone help me please?
I feel your frustration. It's a bit overwhelming fortunately a number of people here have been very helpful. Chesh has a similar setup to me so his insight worked for me. Here is a link to his tutorial that got me going in the right place.
Advice that have that has proven very valuable to me is use 4the Record to schedule recordings. Along my way of getting things to work I had a few hiccups if you follow my posts that might prove insightful. I am noob when it comes to this stuff and did take me a while to get things going. One inconsistant problem that the unit become unresponsive and I will have to power cycle the HDPVR then restart the tv server or just restart that whole system.
I used the PDVD8 codec with SPDIF for the audio input. I don't have any sync issues either in time shift (which honestly I don't use very often) or for recordings.