Leadtek Winfast TV 2000 XP (2 Viewers)

Paul S

Portal Pro
May 14, 2006
Franklin, WI (Milwaukee)
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United States of America United States of America
Here's the CaptureardDefinitions entry for your card:
  <capturecard commercialname="WinFast TV2000 XP Deluxe" capturename="WinFast TV2000 XP WDM Video Capture" devid="ven_109e&amp;dev_036e&amp;subsys_6606107d&amp;rev_11">
    <capabilities tv="true" radio="false" mpeg2="true" mce="false" sw="false" bda="false"/>
      <interface cat="mux" video="" audio="" mpeg2="0"/>
        <filter cat="tvtuner"		  name="WinFast TV2000 XP WDM TVTuner"		    checkdevice="true"/>
        <filter cat="tvaudio"		  name="WinFast TV2000 XP WDM TVAudio"		    checkdevice="true"/>
        <filter cat="crossbar"		name="WinFast TV2000 XP WDM Crossbar"		    checkdevice="true"/>
        <filter cat="capture"		  name="WinFast TV2000 XP WDM Video Capture"	checkdevice="true"/>
        <filter cat="audcapture"	name="%soundcard%"							            checkdevice="true"/>
        <filter cat="videncoder"	name="LeadTek MPEG Video Encoder"			      checkdevice="false"/>
        <filter cat="audencoder"	name="LeadTek Audio Encoder"				        checkdevice="false"/>
        <filter cat="mux"			    name="Leadtek MPEG Muxer"					          checkdevice="false"/>
        <connection sourcefilter="tvtuner"		sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="crossbar"		sinkpin="%tvtuner%"/>
        <connection sourcefilter="tvtuner"		sourcepin="1" sinkfilter="tvaudio"		sinkpin="0"/>
        <connection sourcefilter="tvaudio"		sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="crossbar"		sinkpin="%audiotuner%"/>
        <connection sourcefilter="crossbar"		sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="capture"		sinkpin="0"/>
        <connection sourcefilter="capture"		sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="videncoder"	sinkpin="0"/>
        <connection sourcefilter="audcapture"	sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="audencoder"	sinkpin="0"/>y
        <connection sourcefilter="videncoder"	sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="mux"			  sinkpin="0"/>
        <connection sourcefilter="audencoder"	sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="mux"			  sinkpin="1"/>
I don't see any connection from the audio out pin on the crossbar. Do you have any sound when using this card in MP?

MP is creating the graph that the config file is telling it to.

Now that I have the necessary information, I no longer remember what it is you need to do. :)
This is getting to be a long thread. So, remind me.

Paul S

Portal Pro
May 14, 2006
Franklin, WI (Milwaukee)
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United States of America United States of America
I added a connection for your audio pins. I used pin #4 - Line In. If you are using a different input, like Aux, you would change the pin number.
  <capturecard commercialname="WinFast TV2000 XP Deluxe" capturename="WinFast TV2000 XP WDM Video Capture" devid="ven_109e&amp;dev_036e&amp;subsys_6606107d&amp;rev_11">
    <capabilities tv="true" radio="false" mpeg2="true" mce="false" sw="false" bda="false"/>
      <interface cat="mux" video="" audio="" mpeg2="0"/>
        <filter cat="tvtuner"		  name="WinFast TV2000 XP WDM TVTuner"		    checkdevice="true"/>
        <filter cat="tvaudio"		  name="WinFast TV2000 XP WDM TVAudio"		    checkdevice="true"/>
        <filter cat="crossbar"		name="WinFast TV2000 XP WDM Crossbar"		    checkdevice="true"/>
        <filter cat="capture"		  name="WinFast TV2000 XP WDM Video Capture"	checkdevice="true"/>
        <filter cat="audcapture"	name="%soundcard%"							            checkdevice="true"/>
        <filter cat="videncoder"	name="LeadTek MPEG Video Encoder"			      checkdevice="false"/>
        <filter cat="audencoder"	name="LeadTek Audio Encoder"				        checkdevice="false"/>
        <filter cat="mux"			    name="Leadtek MPEG Muxer"					          checkdevice="false"/>
        <connection sourcefilter="tvtuner"		sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="crossbar"		sinkpin="%tvtuner%"/>
        <connection sourcefilter="tvtuner"		sourcepin="1" sinkfilter="tvaudio"		sinkpin="0"/>
        <connection sourcefilter="tvaudio"		sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="crossbar"		sinkpin="%audiotuner%"/>
        <connection sourcefilter="crossbar"		sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="capture"		sinkpin="0"/>
	<connection sourcefilter="crossbar"		sourcepin="1" sinkfilter="audcapture"		sinkpin="4"/>
        <connection sourcefilter="capture"		sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="videncoder"	sinkpin="0"/>
        <connection sourcefilter="audcapture"	sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="audencoder"	sinkpin="0"/>
        <connection sourcefilter="videncoder"	sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="mux"			  sinkpin="0"/>
        <connection sourcefilter="audencoder"	sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="mux"			  sinkpin="1"/>


Portal Member
January 4, 2007
Home Country
Czech Republic Czech Republic
I will try the new definition.
But the problem is:
- there is jerky picture and shifted sound in the MP,
- no problem with WinFast PVR SW (and e.g. WinDVD and SageTV too - I cannot make remote connection from Graphedit to WinFast PVR and SageTV, I didn't try to do it to WinDVD),
- the graph named OK - I made it manually - it works good - there is no encoding and decoding and demux following the capture filter - I tried it without MPEG-2 Demulitplexer too, but picture is still jerky.

Paul S

Portal Pro
May 14, 2006
Franklin, WI (Milwaukee)
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United States of America United States of America
Media Portal requires MPEG 2 encoders to record TV, and (I'm guessing) they are also needed to view live TV.

In the past I have found that something as small as one pin number being wrong, can have a huge effect on the graph.


Portal Member
January 4, 2007
Home Country
Czech Republic Czech Republic
So, I tried the new definition in CardsDefinition...xml - the additional connection for audio out pin of the crossbar - but the result is the same, no difference in the picture or sound - jerky picture, shifted sound.
I have other functional and nonfunctional GraphEdit graphs, if it is needed.

Paul S

Portal Pro
May 14, 2006
Franklin, WI (Milwaukee)
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United States of America United States of America
I'm not sure where to go from here. If you want to post the graph from my last config file, I would like to see what effect my change had.

You also may need to change the pin from #4 to #2, depending on where your sound comes into the sound card.

You could also try different MPEG 2 encoders. The Intervideo trial version is available here:Intervideo
Make sure you replace the LeadTek MPEG Video and Audio Encoders in the CaptureCardDefinitions file with the Intervideo ones.

And, of course, make sure that you have the latest drivers for your card. But, sometimes older drivers will work better.

Also, make sure that the tuner is setup correctly. In the graph, open the tuner properties.


Portal Member
January 4, 2007
Home Country
Czech Republic Czech Republic
OK, I'll try other encoders (InterVideo, Elecard .....).
I'll inform about results in the evening (my evening).


Portal Member
January 4, 2007
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Czech Republic Czech Republic
I installed the Elecard Decoder Pack and the Encoder Pack too. I made graph in Grpahedit with the 'Elecard section' following the WDM Capture filter - it works !!! Picture is good, no jerky, no 'double sound', no sound shift. The jpg of this configuration is below.
I understand that next step is to modifay the CardDefinition XML file - I will try on Saturday to do it.
I have a little problem - after saving the graph file and reopening it the connections from Demultiplexer are broken, as the outputs pins disappeared. I don't remember the wisdom to renew them ???

Paul S

Portal Pro
May 14, 2006
Franklin, WI (Milwaukee)
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
I see that you are still using the LeadTek audio encoder. It is probably better to use the audio and video encoders that match.

I also see two Elecard Demultiplexers. I don't know if two are needed. I made up a config for the graph you posted, with the LeadTek audio encoder. And, I didn't put in the second demultiplexer.
  <capturecard commercialname="WinFast TV2000 XP Deluxe" capturename="WinFast TV2000 XP WDM Video Capture" devid="ven_109e&amp;dev_036e&amp;subsys_6606107d&amp;rev_11">
    <capabilities tv="true" radio="false" mpeg2="true" mce="false" sw="false" bda="false"/>
      <interface cat="mux" video="" audio="" mpeg2="0"/>
        <filter cat="tvtuner"		  name="WinFast TV2000 XP WDM TVTuner"		    checkdevice="true"/>
        <filter cat="tvaudio"		  name="WinFast TV2000 XP WDM TVAudio"		    checkdevice="true"/>
        <filter cat="crossbar"		name="WinFast TV2000 XP WDM Crossbar"		    checkdevice="true"/>
        <filter cat="capture"		  name="WinFast TV2000 XP WDM Video Capture"		checkdevice="true"/>
        <filter cat="audcapture"	name="%soundcard%"					checkdevice="true"/>
        <filter cat="videncoder"	name="Elecard Mpeg Video Encoder"			checkdevice="false"/>
        <filter cat="audencoder"	name="LeadTek Audio Encoder"				checkdevice="false"/>
        <filter cat="mux"		name="Elecard Multiplexer"				checkdevice="false"/>
        <connection sourcefilter="tvtuner"		sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="crossbar"		sinkpin="%tvtuner%"/>
        <connection sourcefilter="tvtuner"		sourcepin="1" sinkfilter="tvaudio"		sinkpin="0"/>
        <connection sourcefilter="tvaudio"		sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="crossbar"		sinkpin="%audiotuner%"/>
        <connection sourcefilter="crossbar"		sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="capture"		sinkpin="0"/>
	<connection sourcefilter="crossbar"		sourcepin="1" sinkfilter="audcapture"		sinkpin="4"/>
        <connection sourcefilter="capture"		sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="videncoder"		sinkpin="0"/>
        <connection sourcefilter="audcapture"		sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="audencoder"		sinkpin="0"/>
        <connection sourcefilter="videncoder"		sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="mux"			  sinkpin="0"/>
        <connection sourcefilter="audencoder"		sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="mux"			  sinkpin="1"/>
The rest you need to select in Media Portal settings section.


Portal Member
January 4, 2007
Home Country
Czech Republic Czech Republic
So, I tried to use Elecard in MP, but without success, as MP has problem with setting Elecard Muxer to Program mode (I did it manually in the GraphEdit).
After it I tried InterVideo filters again (this time I installed WinDVR3), with success :eek: Now I have in MP good picture and shifted sound (recording is working too), but I think that sound problems could be solved by better settings in the WinFastPVR program, this is the way to setup the WinFast capturing WDM driver. I will try it tomorrow. I attach the graph I obtained as remote graph from working MP.

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