MediaPortal 1.0.1 Release (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
September 29, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
When I try to update from I get the following Error. Framework 2.0 is installed But Service Pack 2 is a requirement for Mediaportal Unpacker.
Installation will be cancelled.

I'm on Service Pack 3 so what do I do now?
I have the same error in installation but i am on vista therefore unable to install any update for .net framework. SP2 update for .net framework is not compatible with vista

This should be a HUGE sticky somewhere as I just spent a hour trying to resolve why I could not upgrade to 1.01 on Vista. When trying to install this on Vista it complained of not having Net 2.0 service pack 2 installed and nothing about Net 3.5. Not till I came across this message regarding Vista users MUST have Net 3.5 service pack 1 installed was I succesful.

Kudos to a fabulous application and keep up the good work...:D


Portal Member
January 25, 2009
Trenton, IL
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United States of America United States of America
Can't playback xvid .avi

I installed Mediaportal 1.0.1 (clean install after uninstalling 1.0.0) and I was unable to playback xvid .avi files. I tried reinstalling my codecs (ffdshow) and it still wouldn't work. When reverting back to 1.0.0, I can play xvid .avi files again. Anyone have any clues why the newer version won't playback xvid .avi files for me? From what I can tell, I haven't seen anyone else in the forums have this issue with the newer version.


Portal Member
January 25, 2009
Trenton, IL
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United States of America United States of America
Yes, I have my HTPC setup to playback .avi files which use the xvid codec over my home network. I have installed 1.0.1 twice now and eventually reverted back to 1.0.0 both times. Every time, 1.0.1 refuses to play back xvid .avi files. However, when I revert back to 1.0.0, I can play them. Pretty weird problem. I don't think it is just limited to playing .avi files though. I don't have anything else to test at the moment. I was hoping to not have to spend a long time troubleshooting so for now I have reverted back to 1.0.0 which works fine. I was just hoping to take advantage of the refresh rate changer (using powerstrip) and the non-linear stretching on 4:3 content.

Ok, I enabled debug mode under log verbosity. I tried playing back an .mpg file and I got the same error saying unable to play. So it looks like all video won't playback for me. Where do I find the log file?


MP Donator
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  • December 23, 2008
    Lubertsy, Moscow region, Russia
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    In Mediaportal configuration there is a drop-down list with link to log directory at the left top of the window. In vista they are placed in C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\Mediaportal\log. I don't know about XP


    Portal Member
    January 25, 2009
    Trenton, IL
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    United States of America United States of America
    Debug Log

    Thanks. I found the log. It was under C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\log\Mediaportal.txt

    Thanks for the help.

    Here is the log. I looked through it but I don't have enough understanding to know what is wrong. I did notice that it said the program disabled VMR9 exclusive mode for some reason. I have that enabled in my configuration.


    MP Donator
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  • December 23, 2008
    Lubertsy, Moscow region, Russia
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    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    The problem is that MP can't detect audio stream in this files. Check your MP3 codec settings. Can you provide all log files from the log directory? Just pack them in zip archive.


    Portal Member
    January 25, 2009
    Trenton, IL
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    United States of America United States of America
    log Zip file

    Here is everything. That is really weird because I have the exact same settings as in 1.0.0. The second time around I did an upgrade install and it kept my settings. I am having ffdshow decode mp3 for me.


    Portal Pro
    October 1, 2006
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    cant use 1.01

    Hiya guys thanks for all the effort first of al.

    I am running xp sp3 and tried to 'update' all seemed to work but when I ran MP it just crashed 'has encountered an error' etc etc etc. So reloaded a fresh image of sp3 and did a clean install now under tv config there is no server... Im running hvr2200 and skystar2 cant see either of those cards. Going back to 1.0 for now. Sorry I dont have logs as Im halfway through reinstalling the fresh xp imags already so I know its not much help to you devs (Im on a time constraint, got ppl coming over soon) and apologise for that but if anyone else has similar issues/fixes would be good to know? Oh yeah using mssql... Also the installer d/ls and installs VRedist 2008 in my E drive in to root directory. MY e drive is media only so would like the option to be able to install it elsewhere as having 20 odd files in the root directory of my media drive is a bit messy for me =)


    okay Ive done a proper (I hope) bug report here with logs and stuff =)

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