One Button Random Music? (1 Viewer)


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  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 15, 2004
    Vienna, Austria
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    Austria Austria
    Mp, doesn't need to know it.
    OneButtonMusic will know that it has started Music via AutoPlay and can then disallow the shutdown.
    So provided that OneButtonMusic is the ONLY plugin starting AutoPlay of music i see following scenario.

    • PC wakes up because of a recording -> AutoPlay on Inactivity should be disabled, since this is an automatic wakeup for recording and probably no one there to listen to music anyhow

    • PC was started by user, then inactivity timer is active and will DENY powerscheduler shutdowns until 1. The playlist ended or 2. a predefined time of AutoPlay music (your 30 minutes in the example) has been reached.

    i just need to find out, if my plugin can get a notification, that the pc woke up because of a recording.
    i'll keep you posted on my findings


    MP Donator
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  • May 27, 2009
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    Netherlands Netherlands

    Hi hwahrmann,

    I've found a minor isssue with the 'AutoPlay after n-sec of inactivity' on.

    I have it on 3 seconds, 'load from folder' and shuffle is on.
    When starting MP a fraction of 1 to maybe 4 songs are played before it coninues normally.

    Log attached.



    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    Re: Auto play on returning to home screen / XX seconds of inactivity etc...

    Is it possible to auto play all songs with rating >= 1 stars?


    Portal Pro
    October 11, 2008
    Home Country
    Iceland Iceland
    I have just using this plugin: a top effort:D

    Firstly, the albumart/track info box works out-of-the-box (in the bottom-right corner) when pressing any of my pre-defined playlists for one button music.

    But using various visualizations (in fullscreen mode), I get varied, but unsuccessful results for the generation of the albumart & track info listing at song change.

    With Sonique's Aorta, I get the albumart but no track info. With Sonique's Rabbit Hole 1.1, I get no track info or albumart; just the default volume speaker in the blank box -in top-left corner. This is using my remote's numeric keys for pre-defined playlists/genre types. The albumart/track info works perfectly from within the music section of MP. When I load an album/playlist, then the albumart/track info box is generated properly.

    One thing I have just noticed in writing this, I stopped a playlist, went to basic home screen & clicked on the number 0 remote button, which is assigned to random song selections. At song change, the box only shows the albumart from the previous music playlist (in this case 10cc front album cover).

    Not sure what logs to supply, if any. Any ideas on where to start? Thanks again.

    Found the error. It is fixed in MP 1.1.0 RC1

    Is there a way to fix this in 1.0.2?



    Portal Pro
    October 11, 2008
    Home Country
    Iceland Iceland
    How could i fix this for 1.0.2? it is a code change, which i can't bring into 1.0.2, since we won't do a new build.

    ok thanks, I understand. I just wasn't sure if it was an easy fix that maybe I could compile into 1.0.2 on my own. Mind you I just know how to build it, not much else.

    thanks again for your work this plugin and on MP, it is my most used plugin on my htpc.


    Portal Pro
    April 20, 2009
    Home Country
    France France
    just this messsage to say : incredible plugins, thanks a lots !! oliv


    Portal Pro
    October 1, 2009
    Hi. Great plug-in. Very robust.

    I have a general playlist / music player qestion that I think the folks folowing this thread may be able to help me with.

    What exactly does selecting (OK button on remote) a song do when browsing a music library - realtive to an actively playing playlist?

    I can be enjoying a playlist while browsing my library. when I find a song tha I would like to hear I 'select' it (OK button on remote) and it nicey fades in. The weird part is that when the song is over I get another song from the same album instead of resuming the previously active playlist. If there is only one song on that album / directory / share the music just stops after the song picked completes instead of resuming the playlist.

    It would seem that selecting a song from your library overrides the current play list and replaces it with a new unseen (un editable) play list. the weird thing is that the 'playlist' screen wil still show the old playlist - even though the songs will cycle through a different hidden list. The only way to ge back to the original playlist is to pick manually.

    Is this how it's supposed to work?

    I would think that selecting a song would:

    1 - if no playlist is active start a new playlist with the selected song being the first entry
    2 - if a playlist is active and playing - imediately insert the selectd song into the play list (next spot) and start playing it right away
    3 - OR give th user a choice / dialog box to play now or play after current song

    I am not sure if ths type of coding would be theme related or internal to mediaportal. perhaps similar functionality can be added via plugin?

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