MP2.5 has the latest OnlineVideo version. But as it was stated, that error will be possibly fixed in a future version, it will have the same problem as you face now.
MP2.5 has the latest OnlineVideo version. But as it was stated, that error will be possibly fixed in a future version, it will have...
The iPlayer link in Onlinevideos is only showing the last program in the series. For example 'The Traitors' only shows the final...
I was not previously aware of the "Drive Free Space" plugin, and it is not easy to find. (There really ought to be an easier way of finding plugins.) There is this thread that introduces the plugin, and this thread that details some changes to the Titan skin made by Gary Martyn (from 2013 :eek: ).
I installed the plugin on my Aorus...
I was not previously aware of the "Drive Free Space" plugin, and it is not easy to find. (There really ought to be an easier way of...
I have a multiseat MP setup running version 1.33. I use the Titan skin and yesterday I decided I would update all my plugins on my...