*ORIGINAL THREAD* InfoService v1.6 - Feed reader/Twitter reader and weather (12 Viewers)


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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    edsche I am just implementing your wonderful plugin for aMPed and I love it! I have only one small issue, even though i have set it to only refresh every hour, it refreshes every time MP restarts. Can there also be an option to refresh on restart? With my crappy bandwith it takes 5-10 seconds before the feeds/weather will display.


    Community Plugin Dev
    January 7, 2007
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    What is this feature"Show all feeds on home"? Where do I see it and enable/disable it? Well, I use the RSS on Basic Home and normal Home. After applying the a.m. solution all works fine now.

    Look at the screen : https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/...feeds-rss-atom-twitter-basic-home-screen5.jpg

    Shows x items (changed by the "max. items per feed for all feeds ticker") from each feed on basichome.

    @edsche I am just implementing your wonderful plugin for aMPed and I love it! I have only one small issue, even though i have set it to only refresh every hour, it refreshes every time MP restarts. Can there also be an option to refresh on restart? With my crappy bandwith it takes 5-10 seconds before the feeds/weather will display.
    It refreshes the data on start and then one hour after and so on. Don't know where the problem here is? You mean the should be an option to disable the auto update and refresh the data only on start of mp? Maybe the new version helps. I changed the order of the updates. Now at first the weather data will be updated, second the twitter data will be updated and at last the feeds will be updated because this is the biggest part. So if you start mp you will see instant the weather and twitter line and a little bit after the feed line. Before you must wait for feed update till the weather data shows up


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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    You mean the should be an option to disable the auto update and refresh the data only on start of mp?
    No I mean the opposite, an option to NOT update and refresh when MP Starts. The autoupdate is great, but I only want to update every hour, not everytime I run MP. I don't have a separate HTPC so I am always running/exiting MP and I always have to wait for data to display on the home screen. Yes, it will be good having the weather update first! Thanks.


    Community Plugin Dev
    January 7, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    You mean the should be an option to disable the auto update and refresh the data only on start of mp?
    No I mean the opposite, an option to NOT update and refresh when MP Starts. The autoupdate is great, but I only want to update every hour, not everytime I run MP. I don't have a separate HTPC so I am always running/exiting MP and I always have to wait for data to display on the home screen. Yes, it will be good having the weather update first! Thanks.

    Ok now i get it :D I've added an options for feed, weather and twitter not to update at startup ;)


    Portal Pro
    January 13, 2008
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    Besides the discussion in the team chat I found out a possible solution: In the InfoService Config I had different numbers for the "max. items per feed for all feeds ticker" and "Max items for feed" (4 and 40). After setting BOTH to the same amount (40), the ticker works now more than 40 minutes without stopping MP. Maybe this is a hint for you also, edsche?
    Mh even if i take your settings (Max items for feed:40 and max items per feed for all feeds ticker: 4), i can't get mp to crash. Do you use the "Show all feeds on home" feature ?

    this didn't work for me :(

    my settings: 1 feed. weather enabled. no twitter.
    max items boxes : 12 for both


    Community Plugin Dev
    January 7, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Besides the discussion in the team chat I found out a possible solution: In the InfoService Config I had different numbers for the "max. items per feed for all feeds ticker" and "Max items for feed" (4 and 40). After setting BOTH to the same amount (40), the ticker works now more than 40 minutes without stopping MP. Maybe this is a hint for you also, edsche?
    Mh even if i take your settings (Max items for feed:40 and max items per feed for all feeds ticker: 4), i can't get mp to crash. Do you use the "Show all feeds on home" feature ?

    this didn't work for me :(

    my settings: 1 feed. weather enabled. no twitter.
    max items boxes : 12 for both

    I would have been suprised, if this would work ;) I looked again through your log and found out that there is a problem when mediaportal wants to draw the fadelabel text on screen. I think only if the text is already cached by mediaportal. So i would say you mediaportal installation has some problems with a long (or even a short) fadelabel text. You can try to set up a long fadelabel without infoservice and see if the problem then still exists

    After a little bit of testing on my htpc i'll upload a new version. Please read the Installation readme carefully and use the patched MediaPortal.exe and Core.dll only for MediaPortal 1.02. I'll release new patched files with the new MediaPortal 1.1.0 Beta/RC1. For skinners please take a look at the webbrowser.xml. I had to change the window id from 16002 to 5500 and i also changed the filename from infoserviceweb.xml to webbrowser.xml ;)

    Edit: Uploaded the new version ;)


    Design Group Manager
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  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
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    First of all :D for this great new release. As you know I run 1.1.0 ALPHA and latest SVNs, so the webbrowser won´t work for me. But the rest is really beautiful: the logos in the menu, the rapid loading of weather etc. etc. When I use the "Show all feeds on home" (which I totally forgot in my skins up to now ;(), the scrolling is nearly zero, every turtle is much faster ;) but this may be the limitations of the 1.0.2 compatibility.


    Community Plugin Dev
    January 7, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    Oh i thought it would crash without the patches i did in MediaPortal. Then you can try the browser, the only thing that will don't work right is the mouse support.

    Hopefully the MediaPortal team releases the beta/RC1 tomorrow. I can't wait to test it :D

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