I see from another thread that MP is coded not to play .ts files with an external player, does anyone know if there is there any way to work around this and trick MP to play recorded TV in mpc-hc.
MP used to play video files in external player if setup to do that regardless of extension (as long as .ts was listed under recognised extensions), this was a couple of years ago so maybe it has changed. Have you tried this recently?
I'm guessing you are doing this so you can use BOINC to detect the MPC-HC process. I suggest you just rename .ts files to .mp4 you could even write a simple script to do this.
set "Filename=%*"
set Filename=%Filename:~0,-3%
ren "%filename%.ts" "*.mp4"
call "c:\comskip\comskip.exe -t %*"
ren "%*" "*.mp4"
c:\comskip\comskip.exe -t "%*"
ren "%*" "*.mp4"