it's encrypted, just like allmost all channels I receive. I used to watch it a lot, but since the RC versions are released in a furious tempo, I'm not sure if this bug is introduced by a RC version or if it's just my provider :s
Since the update/cleanup procedure of the MP installer is quite unreliable in my experience I'm a bit reserved to go back and install/uninstall previous versions.
I wish I could ask my provider if anything changed to certain channels (or if I could find this info somewhere on their website) but they refuse to help you or give you any answers if you use your pc to watch tv (This provider in CAIWAY to be exact )
Since the update/cleanup procedure of the MP installer is quite unreliable in my experience I'm a bit reserved to go back and install/uninstall previous versions.
I wish I could ask my provider if anything changed to certain channels (or if I could find this info somewhere on their website) but they refuse to help you or give you any answers if you use your pc to watch tv (This provider in CAIWAY to be exact )