I have been able to reproduce the menu disappearing with the last basichome. it happened when MP lost focus while i was moving my mouse out of MP. Just had to go right for exit menu then left again. And everything was ok again.
By the way i love the last basichome.xml. Great job!
The menu disappearing that you had is unavoidable due to the design of the menu, this is the same in aeon. The bug being referenced above happened when a combination of menu items were accessed (i think it was scroll up to movies enter movies and then exit, then scroll to movies and all the menu items would disappear).
Glad you liked the basichome i spent a bit of time increasing the smoothness of the menu.
Oh sorry about the misunderstanding of the bug
Anyway yes the menu is very smooth, i hope one day we ll manage to have the same smoothness in plugins like myTVSeries or MovingPictures cause right now it is not that easy to navigate due to lagging.
There one little feature request i would make about the basicHome. The version of pilehave has a little feature which is actually really cool. Each menu has an extra line appearing only when the menu is selected, somehting like "Watch my" for the MOVIES menu. Do you think it would be doable in your skin?
it looks like that