Support for Argus TV (1 Viewer)


New Member
April 18, 2008
Indeed the plugin seems to work, it just doesn't find the correct movie.
What epg data is used to match a movie ? My epg details are in dutch....

2013-10-04 14:10:50.253 [INFO] [Scrobble][34]: Detected movie 'Push' playing in Argus TV-Recordings
2013-10-04 14:10:50.253 [INFO] [Scrobble][34]: File was recognised by Argus TV Recordings and is now scrobbling
2013-10-04 14:10:53.586 [ERR ] [Scrobble][45]: movie not found
2013-10-04 14:11:11.610 [INFO] [MPMain][01]: Stopped playback of Argus tv-recording 'Push'
2013-10-04 14:11:11.830 [INFO] [CancelWatching][20]: Response: cancelled watching


Community Plugin Dev
  • Premium Supporter
  • June 10, 2007
    Home Country
    Australia Australia
    For movies, it just uses the title but some EPG's also have the year in the title e.g. Blah (2010). In this case I get the year and send that to trakt so it can do a better match.

    note: debug logging shows more information such as exactly what is sent to trakt.

    For episodes, it uses the title, episode number and season number. If you don't have an episode/season number in your EPG it assumes your watching a movie.

    Im open to improvements but at the end of the day its not going to be perfect as EPG data seems to be different world wide.

    Trakt does support aka's so if you have a dutch title for a movie it *might* work but don't count on it.
    Last edited:


    Community Plugin Dev
  • Premium Supporter
  • June 10, 2007
    Home Country
    Australia Australia
    Now that I have implemented search functionality, im considering adding support for 'checkin's', this is similar to scrobble except that it's manually activated.

    What i'm thinking is that I can allows skins to add a Trakt button to the OSD. It will try do a search for either a movie or episode (your choice) with the default search string the current title. Then you can select the movie to checkin or drill down season/episode information to select an episode to check-in.

    Does this sound like a good idea?

    This would be good for people that have pretty bad EPG data, they could just disable scrobbling for Argus/TV and just do it manually via OSD method.

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