[Updated 27 Mar!] MPExtended WebMediaPortal 0.4.3 (1 Viewer)

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  • August 29, 2009
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    Re: AW: [Updated 24 Jan!] MPExtended WebMediaPortal 0.4.2

    I found the solution for my problem. When take a look at the logs i found the the recordingspad was starting with \\DS209\.... (That is my NAS) and the pad for the tv show and movies was M:\... . I change the pad within My TVSeries and MovingPictures with \\DS209\... and al plays fine. I also made an account on the NAS en the same one on windows, but i will try if this is necessary.
    Oops, didn't notice that in your logs. :sorry:

    I can watch movies on a NAS lie about Media Portal look fine. Only when I saw this movie over the stream section will I get the error message "acces denied: / Sream /.....". NAS / Windows / MPExtended Service use the same account.

    Concerns of the logs
    Well, your problem is that Windows can't find the file. This probably means that the server doesn't have access to the network share. Can you try running the service as your own user?


    Portal Member
    February 28, 2010
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    Re: AW: [Updated 24 Jan!] MPExtended WebMediaPortal 0.4.2

    I found the solution for my problem. When take a look at the logs i found the the recordingspad was starting with \\DS209\.... (That is my NAS) and the pad for the tv show and movies was M:\... . I change the pad within My TVSeries and MovingPictures with \\DS209\... and al plays fine. I also made an account on the NAS en the same one on windows, but i will try if this is necessary.
    Oops, didn't notice that in your logs. :sorry:

    I can watch movies on a NAS lie about Media Portal look fine. Only when I saw this movie over the stream section will I get the error message "acces denied: / Sream /.....". NAS / Windows / MPExtended Service use the same account.

    Concerns of the logs
    Well, your problem is that Windows can't find the file. This probably means that the server doesn't have access to the network share. Can you try running the service as your own user?

    Thats oke Oxan, I didn't saw it either. But thanks for the help.
    All we need now is streaming for the iPhone.
    Maybe you can try mine solution. i had the same error.:)


    Portal Pro
    November 14, 2006
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    Re: AW: [Updated 24 Jan!] MPExtended WebMediaPortal 0.4.2

    All we need now is streaming for the iPhone.

    I don't agree with this. Webmediaportal should focus on treaming for desktop browser. iPhone (and all other phones) should rely on native app for this job. Isn't this the whole idea of MPExtended? One backend/API for apps of any kind (Android, webOS, WP7, iPhone, etc), webservers, tinyTVclient, etc...


    Portal Pro
    January 3, 2008
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    AW: Re: AW: [Updated 24 Jan!] MPExtended WebMediaPortal 0.4.2

    I don't agree with this. Webmediaportal should focus on treaming for desktop browser. iPhone (and all other apps) should rely on native app for this job. Isn't this the whole idea of MPExtended? One backend/API for apps of any kind (Android, webOS, WP7, iPhone, etc), webservers, tinyTVclient, etc...

    I think that too. You are right, WebMediaporta should focus on streaming for desktop Browser !


    Portal Pro
    March 27, 2008
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    AW: [Updated 24 Jan!] MPExtended WebMediaPortal 0.4.2

    First of all: it's a great plugin - so far...

    Maybe, it would nice to have a roadmap of future developments.

    In my opinion, a webgui to use for schedule recordings should be a core feature of mediaportal and since the web-gui of "BIG_KEV" no one developed one. I think, streaming is nice-to-have - but no basic requirement. Since "BIG_KEV" i'm waiting for a web-gui to easily program my recordings, to see colored schedules in the epg-listing, to use conflict manager etc.

    For me, it would be a great improvement to have a web-gui with the same functionality as the build-in "program-guide".

    thanx - schaeklovic


    Portal Pro
    January 3, 2008
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    AW: [Updated 24 Jan!] MPExtended WebMediaPortal 0.4.2

    First of all: it's a great plugin - so far...

    Maybe, it would nice to have a roadmap of future developments.

    There is a Roadmap (Bugtracker) on this Website https://github.com//MPExtended/issues?sort=updated&direction=desc&state=open. You can set a milestone 0.4.3 or 0.5.0. After that you can see which Features are planned and which Issues will be fixed.

    First of all: it's a great plugin - so far...

    In my opinion, a webgui to use for schedule recordings should be a core feature of mediaportal and since the web-gui of "BIG_KEV" no one developed one. I think, streaming is nice-to-have - but no basic requirement. Since "BIG_KEV" i'm waiting for a web-gui to easily program my recordings, to see colored schedules in the epg-listing, to use conflict manager etc.

    For me, it would be a great improvement to have a web-gui with the same functionality as the build-in "program-guide".

    thanx - schaeklovic

    Yes this is a opinion I can provide.
    - creating a schedule is already possible over the TvGuide
    - editing is now not possible but I had posted a Feature Request about this
    - colored schedules would be nice


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    AW: [Updated 24 Jan!] MPExtended WebMediaPortal 0.4.2


    yes this IS a great Plugin :D and the only one which is actually in development so that there will be future releases.

    I agree with Schaeklovic that the major thing is to edit, shedule und delete Recordings over the Web from all over the World. In this case it would be a great benefit if recordings a coloured.



    Retired Team Member
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  • August 29, 2009
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    Re: AW: [Updated 24 Jan!] MPExtended WebMediaPortal 0.4.2

    I don't agree with this. Webmediaportal should focus on treaming for desktop browser. iPhone (and all other phones) should rely on native app for this job. Isn't this the whole idea of MPExtended? One backend/API for apps of any kind (Android, webOS, WP7, iPhone, etc), webservers, tinyTVclient, etc...
    95% of the time it takes to implement streaming to iOS is spend on the streaming implementation in the service, not in the "client" (WebMP). Whether we implement streaming to iOS in WebMP, Eve, CouchPotato or another app, it will require this implementation. Adding iOS streaming in WebMP is quite easy then.

    (Normally we don't change our serivce implementation for a specific client or platform, but there are two good reasons why we make an exception for iOS here: it has an huge userbase, and it's streaming protocol is standards-based and also supported by Android and some other platforms).

    Maybe, it would nice to have a roadmap of future developments.
    Currently it's more or less whatever I feel like implementing, requests from client developers and some user requests. I really don't want a roadmap as it takes away some freedom I've now. You can find a rough list of things I planned for the next release in the issue tracker but there's nothing definitive. However, I can give a list of things already implemented for the next release:
    • Enhanced video player with seeking support
    • A renewed music player which can play an whole album at once
    • Search function
    • M3U downloads for playing streams in external players
    • Use same userdatabase for the service and WebMediaPortal
    • Localization support in WebMediaPortal (translations)
    • There will probably be a new layout (by Aredon)
    • WebMediaPortal port number is now configurable in the configurator
    • Tons of bugfixes and usability improvements

    In my opinion, a webgui to use for schedule recordings should be a core feature of mediaportal and since the web-gui of "BIG_KEV" no one developed one. I think, streaming is nice-to-have - but no basic requirement. Since "BIG_KEV" i'm waiting for a web-gui to easily program my recordings, to see colored schedules in the epg-listing, to use conflict manager etc.
    Colored schedules in the EPG listing is implemented in 0.5, and easily setting recordings is already possible in 0.4. I'm not really sure about the conflict manager as there doesn't seem to be an API to use that, but I'll look into it.

    For me, it would be a great improvement to have a web-gui with the same functionality as the build-in "program-guide".
    I have no idea what all functionality offered by the built-in program guide is, but I think WebMP we've already implemented most functionality. Let me know what other features you want.

    I agree with Schaeklovic that the major thing is to edit, shedule und delete Recordings over the Web from all over the World. In this case it would be a great benefit if recordings a coloured.
    Editting will probably come with 0.5, deleting recordings is a bit more complicated but I'll look at it.


    Portal Pro
    November 14, 2006
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    Re: AW: [Updated 24 Jan!] MPExtended WebMediaPortal 0.4.2

    [*]WebMediaPortal port number is now configurable in the configurator

    This is great news. I think it would be a good idea to let the user choose this during the installation.


    Portal Member
    February 28, 2010
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    Re: AW: [Updated 24 Jan!] MPExtended WebMediaPortal 0.4.2

    (Normally we don't change our serivce implementation for a specific client or platform, but there are two good reasons why we make an exception for iOS here: it has an huge userbase, and it's streaming protocol is standards-based and also supported by Android and some other platforms).
    If I read this right, does this mean you are will implent streaming to IOS in the future?:rolleyes:
    For some of us it will be nice to stream to your phone since iPimp isn't updated anymore.
    But it is to the Developer to decide if he wants to implent this or not.
    Not the less I find this a great plugin.
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