Looks realy nice! First thought is of course its pity it cant be public. Here is just a fought: I have tested Vista MCE and mostly its a improvement in visbiliity/gui/look and feel. I like the darker blue background (to mutch light blue is just a bit to mutch......) but its mostly because white is a mutch better contrast to blue (I newer quite liked the contrast betwin gren and blue). The navigation is also in some parts improved - specialy in music mode but that might be another topic. Hovever the downside is that the background animated "spotlights" isnt and probably cant be so nicely animated as the "sky" in the normal mce / bluetwo theam.
Therefore I would lika a theme like Vista MCE / your dark blue and white in color and the background of bluetwo / XP MCE AND that wouldnt be a intrude to Vista MCE graphic?!
Wow, got the link today. Realy great skin!
Can recomend everybody to PM the aughtor to get the link!
Music section is corrupt (se earlier report) and to clarify - its a 4:3 skin and im running 16:9
Would realy like something like this for 16:9 and a bit more non-vista so it could be upploaded here.
Question, I really like this skin, and many people, me included, like a 16:9 version of it.
I volunteer to try to make a 16:9 version of it, if you approve ofc.
Question, I really like this skin, and many people, me included, like a 16:9 version of it.
I volunteer to try to make a 16:9 version of it, if you approve ofc.
Im not the aughtor but have some idees......... What about a Vist inspired skin that is not just a clone - more something like 3DMP background with vistainsprated white and blue buttons. I personaly beleave it would be realy good looking and probably be able to post here in the open section. Maybe this is for a new thread. Anyway I would gladly be a beta-tester!
I would be glad to make such a thing, so everyone could work on it as well, personally I like the colours, the white against the darker blue, and the simplicity behind the skin.
If you'd like we could have a conversation at the irc to see where to start.
For this I agree it shouldn't be a straight copy but reflect the wishes of the users of what we want in the skin.
I'm not a coder nor a photoshop artist, but I got much time on my hands, I'm your idealist who doesn't stop till it's fixed, and I'm someone who likes stuff to be functional, what shouldn't be there shouldn't be there.
This should prove more than enough to make me an able man to start such a project, and with a few able people we should be able to do this.
So who's up for the challange?
hi! do you think that you can send me that skin to my e-mail? is that possibile? Ive just started to use MediaPortal and it rocks way better that media center. Anyways, Ive skinned my XP pc to vista and it would be really cool to complete the package! Thanx!
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Most (all?) small PC cases accept only ITX motherboards, which have only one PCI-E slot. So you could install only one PCI-E tuner...
I've been using MP2 now for about 3 years:
I really happy with the way it works, although I can think of many great features I'd...
thank you Sir, issue is definitely resolved now, i uninstalled the problematic MSE altogether, plus i also now have optimized EPG grabbing configuration, thanks again for all the assistance, wow so much faster on everything now that MSE is out of the picture...MP WAF is now restored and FetchTV STB sits in the corner collecting dust :)
thank you Sir, issue is definitely resolved now, i uninstalled the problematic MSE altogether, plus i also now have optimized EPG...
Long time MP user, and recently upgraded to MP1.34, prior to this upgrade, i have for many years successfully used MP with fast and...