could you upload the actual and WebGrab++.config.xml files you are using so I can take a look. Also are there any errors in the WebGrab++.log.txt file. For the ".ini" file you need to make a copy and rename it a .txt file so you can upload the file. I used the svid (20424.268435456) and generated a that has about 20+ channels.
Not sure where you are getting into trouble but I'll try to help. I'd like to understand where you are having trouble so we can improve the setup guide.
and I see WG++Maker replied, I was using rev 48 and did try rev 49.
could you upload the actual and WebGrab++.config.xml files you are using so I can take a look. Also are there any errors in the WebGrab++.log.txt file. For the ".ini" file you need to make a copy and rename it a .txt file so you can upload the file. I used the svid (20424.268435456) and generated a that has about 20+ channels.
Not sure where you are getting into trouble but I'll try to help. I'd like to understand where you are having trouble so we can improve the setup guide.
and I see WG++Maker replied, I was using rev 48 and did try rev 49.
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