
  1. J

    Need help with another new WebEPG Grabber.

    I'm trying to develop a new WebEPG grabber for sweden, but I got a few problem in parsing the html-file to get all programs. In the file attached to this post the problem is that there are a few different ways to do things. the first thing is in the program at 11:30. The <h3> tag is the title...
  2. John David

    Accessing TitanTV for EPG in USA for MP1

    Can anyone help me learn how to access TitanTV with an EPG grabber? Like other USA based MP users I’ve lost Imdb (WebEPG) access. I understand that SchedulesDirect is an alternative for a fee, yet TitanTV is available and does not charge. The problem I’ve found is that following the current...
  3. R

    IMDb has stopped publishing the TV Grid, now WebEPG is not working. What can be done?

    Recently MediaPortal stopped displaying the TV listings, making it unable to schedule the recording of TV shows. After re-grabbing all of the OTA channels in my area, it still wouldn't work. Upon further investigation, I believe the problem is that IMDb has stopped publishing the TV grid online...
  4. VegasTalkRadio

    MediaPortal 2.1 EPG TV Guide Help

    I have installed 2.1 and can tune my TV fine. Cannot for life of me figure out what EPG to use which will work in Las Vegas, Nevada, US. Every link in the source files does not exist so I can't get any help online. Example in www_imdb_com.xml it refers to this link for help: MediaPortal Wiki...
  5. A

    [AYUDA] Grabbers en para canales de tv españoles

    Hola chicos... Andamos jo....idos... perdon por la expresión. Desde hace un tiempo me he dedicado a mantener los grabers de webepg español que otros hicieron. @Manuelito @arj2000 y otros. Lamentablemente con los cambios ocurridos éste verano, la mayoría ya no funcionan. solo quedan 3 operativos...
  6. R

    [solved] Web EPG stops grabbing after update to latest MP1 version

    After searching the logs, I found that the folder containing the imdb xml file needed for the Web EPG import, no longer contains my custom file. Fortunately, I saved it. FIX: Copy the xml file back into the appropriate folder and all should work
  7. Chris Melville

    EPG (both DVB and WebEPH) stopped working?

    Dear MediaPortal experts, I use MediaPortal TV server as a back-end to Kodi. Until yesterday, it was working almost fine (I think). I have both the DVB EPG and the WebEPG plugin enabled. I have never been too sure how these work together: I assume that they work in tandem, writing data to the...
  8. A

    [Approved] WebEPG "El Pais" (Spanish TV EPG) outdated please remove from MP

    SORRY, Today 12/06/2016 El país heavy redesigned the web page and grabber gives a lot of errors. I don't know how to create again the grabber (iI just modified an out-dated one). Any help will be highly appreciated. Hello El Pais EGP provider is one of the most powerful available and was...
  9. A

    Nuevo grabber TV Elpais para web EPG

    Hola chic@s Una pena:(:(:(--- Hoy 12 junio 2016 la web del pais ha cambiado radicalmente y el grabber ya no funciona. Se escapa a mis conocimientos volver a hacerlo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- En los ultimos dos...
  10. T

    Need solution EPG for IPTV

    I have two tuner plugins inside TV Server I use. The DVB-C for Ziggo in Netherlands and DVB-IP for extra channels I can't get from ziggo. Now everything works fine except I can't get any EPG for my IPTV channels (DVB-IP). I tried WEBEPG plugin, but the grabber for dutch site tvgids doesn't...
  11. A

    No programs imported in WebEPG

    Hello, I installed MediaPortal 1, version and I can't have WebEPG working. I have 18 channels imported but 0 programs... The log contains a SetupTV-Error file that basically says, for all channels : "GetInternal error: the distant server returned an error : (404) not found" (translated...
  12. J

    WebEPG grabs wrong day. Not website specific.

    Hi there I am struggling to get webEPG to grab the correct days guide. This error is 100% reproducible. When the data is grabbed using the schedule the EPG is 24hours out i.e. Wed 11-11 shows Tues 10-11 data. When the data is grabbed using the Grab now! button in the TV server settings the...
  13. D

    EPG funktioniert nicht

    Hallo zusammen, gestern bin ich von Mediaportal 1 auf Mediaportal 2 umgestiegen. Leider bekomme ich das EPG nicht zum laufen. Habe im DVB EPG die zu aktualisierenden Sender angeklickt; im WebEPG die TV-Mappings eingestellt; WebEPG durch Klick auf GrabNow gestartet... Ohne Ergebnis. Wenn ich...
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